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基于稳定同位素技术的辽宁双台河口保护区黑嘴鸥(Larus saundersi)食性研究     被引量:5

Diet composition of Saunders's Gull( Larus saundersi) determined using stable isotope analysis at the Shuangtaihekou National Nature Reserve,China


中文题名:基于稳定同位素技术的辽宁双台河口保护区黑嘴鸥(Larus saundersi)食性研究

英文题名:Diet composition of Saunders's Gull( Larus saundersi) determined using stable isotope analysis at the Shuangtaihekou National Nature Reserve,China

作者:王玄[1] 江红星[1] 张亚楠[1] 陈丽霞[1] 宋常站[2] 李玉祥[2]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:Saunders's gull; stable isotope analysis ; avian diet ; blood ; feather; Shuangtaihekou Reserve


摘要:稳定同位素分析是开展濒危鸟类食性研究的现代化手段,该方法避免了传统食性研究只能反映鸟类瞬时取食的弊端,而反映鸟类长时间取食的同化比例。2014年6月收集了辽宁双台河口黑嘴鸥6种潜在食源213份样品,幼鸟血样10份,幼鸟羽毛27份,成鸟羽毛17份。稳定碳氮(δ^(13)C和δ^(15)N)同位素分析结果表明:(1)成、幼鸟羽毛稳定碳同位素(δ^(13)C)差异显著,表明幼鸟与成鸟羽毛反映的食性信息不同。(2)疾病和死亡幼鸟羽毛的稳定碳氮同位素值与健康幼鸟均无显著性差异,幼鸟血液和羽毛同位素值之间也无显著差异;表明利用疾病和死亡幼鸟的羽毛样品可以替代损伤性采集血液样品,开展稳定同位素分析。(3)幼鸟血液和羽毛样品反映黑嘴鸥食性信息基本一致。其中泥螺(Bullacta exarata)和沙蚕(Nereis succinea)是其主要食源,各自贡献率均超过31.20%;其次为矛尾刺虾虎鱼(Synechogobius hasta)(12.86%、14.49%)、宽身大眼蟹(Macrophthalmus dilatatum)(9.19%、8.08%)和天津厚蟹(Helice tientsinensis)(7.48%、6.00%)。在天然湿地持续减少和退化条件下,研究结果为黑嘴鸥繁殖的人工湿地中食源物种构建、恢复与管理提供了科学依据。
In recent decades, stable isotope techniques have been increasingly applied in studies of the diet and trophic structure of birds. Understanding avian diets is critical for the rehabilitation and conservation of endangered bird species, especially for waterbirds like Saunders's Gull. The Sbuangtaihekou National Nature Reserve accommodates the largest breeding population of Saunders's Gulls in the world, and the gulls breed in the reserve's man-made wetlands. The objective of this study was to determine the diet composition of Saunders's Gull, using stable isotope analysis to ensure the best management practices of this globally vulnerable species. A total of 213 samples of six potential dietary species, 10 fledgling blood samples, and 27 and 17 feather samples from fledglings and adults, respectively, were collected. The results showed that: (1) The stable carbon isotope signature (δ13C) of feathers fi'om adult and fledgling gulls were significantly different.The feathers of fledglings provided short-term feeding information at the breeding site, whereas the feathers from adult gulls provided long-term information that also included feeding at stopover sites. (2) The δ13C and δ15N values of feathers from diseased and dead birds were no different than those from healthy birds, and there was also no difference between the isotope values of the blood and feathers of fledglings. Therefore, in future studies, we can conduct stable isotope analysis using feathers from deceased birds, rather than taking blood and feather samples form healthy birds. (3) In addition, the diet composition of fledglings revealed by blood samples was consistent with that revealed by feather samples. Bullacta exarata and Nereis succinea were the main food sources, and each accounted for over 31.20% of the gull's diet. The next most important contributors were Synechogobius hasta (12. 86%-14.49%), Macrophthalmus dilatatum (8.08%- 9.19% ), and Helice tientsinensis (6.00%-7.48%). With continuous loss and degradation of natural wetlands, the results also provide a scientific basis for the construction, restoration, and management of dietary species for breeding populations of Saunders's Gulls in man-made wetlands.



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