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云冷杉天然次生林死木分布格局及空间关联性     被引量:4

Spatial distribution and associations of dead woods in natural spruce-fir secondary forests



英文题名:Spatial distribution and associations of dead woods in natural spruce-fir secondary forests

作者:陈科屹[1] 张会儒[2] 张博[3] 何友均[1]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology





外文关键词:distribution pattern;spatial association;spatial isolation of species;dead wood;spruce-fir forest


摘要:为揭示天然次生林群落演替规律,以吉林省汪清林业局金沟岭林场的云冷杉天然次生林为对象,采用相邻网格法调查样地(100 m×100 m)内每株林木(DBH≥1 cm)的基本特征及坐标位置,研究死木的分布格局及空间关联性。结果表明:死木的径级分布呈左偏单峰山状分布,其中枯倒木呈多峰山状分布;各树种的死木株数与该树种的总株数没有必然联系;树种死木株数与树种混交度之间存在显著负指数关系;死木主要在0~8 m尺度上呈聚集分布,随着尺度的增大,逐渐转变为随机分布或均匀分布,以随机分布为主;中(10 cm≤DBH<20 cm)、小径级(1 cm≤DBH<10 cm)死木在8 m以下的小尺度上的聚集分布是造成死木总体在小尺度上呈聚集分布的主要原因。不同径级死木与不同径级活立木的空间关联性差异较大,死木与幼树(1 cm≤DBH<5 cm)的关系较为明显,尤其是大径级死木与幼树在2~25 m尺度上呈显著正关联性;死木与小树(5 cm≤DBH<15 cm)没有明显的关联性;中、小径级死木与中树(15 cm≤DBH<25 cm)在0~3 m尺度上呈正关联性,与大树(DBH≥25 cm)分别在9、11~14 m以及15、42~45 m尺度上呈负关联性。树种在生物学特性、径级分布和空间布局上的差异影响着死木的株数和径级分布;混交程度低的树种可能出现较多的死木;死木空间分布格局随林木径级和研究尺度的大小产生变化;死木与活立木的空间关联性在不同径级和不同尺度上呈现出明显差异。
To reveal the community succession rule of natural secondary forest, we investigated basic characteristics and coordinates of each tree(DBH≥1 cm) within a plot(100 m×100 m) using the adjacent grid method and examined the distribution pattern and spatial associations of dead woods in a natural spruce-fir secondary forest in Jingouling Forest Farm, Wangqing Forestry Bureau, Jilin Province, China. The results showed that the diameter class distribution of dead woods showed the pattern of left single-peak curve, while the logs showed the pattern of multi-peak curve. The relationship between the abundance of dead woods and the standing individuals of a particular species was inconsistent. There was a significant negative exponential relationship between the number of dead woods and mixing degree of trees. The distribution of dead woods was concentrated at the 0-8 m scale. With the increases of scale, it gradually changed to random or uniform, with the random distribution being dominant. The aggregation distribution of dead woods with middle(10 cm≤DBH<20 cm) and small(1 cm≤DBH<10 cm) DBH was the main reason for the aggregation distribution of dead woods at small scale below 8 m. The spatial associations between dead woods and stan-ding trees at different diameter classes were significantly different. The relationship between dead woods and saplings(1 cm≤DBH<5 cm) was closely correlated. The dead woods with large DBH and saplings showed a significant positive association at 2-25 m scale. There was no spatial association between dead woods and small trees(5 cm≤DBH<15 cm). At the 0-3 m scale, there was a positive association between the middle trees(15 cm≤DBH<25 cm) and dead woods of small and middle DBH. At the 9, 11-14 and 15, 42-45 m scales, dead woods of small and middle DBH were significantly negatively associated with large trees(DBH≥25 cm). In conclusion, biological traits, diameter class distribution, and spatial distribution affected the abundance and diameter class distribution of dead woods. The species with low mixing degree tended to have more dead woods. The diameter and scale would affect the spatial distribution of dead woods. The spatial correlation between dead woods and standing trees varied across diameter classes and scales.



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