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乌兰布和沙漠东北缘起沙风风况及输沙特征  ( EI收录)   被引量:1

Characteristics of sand-driving wind regime and sediment transport in northeast edge of Ulan Buh Desert



英文题名:Characteristics of sand-driving wind regime and sediment transport in northeast edge of Ulan Buh Desert

作者:罗凤敏[1] 高君亮[1] 辛智鸣[1] 边凯[1] 郝玉光[1] 刘芳[1]


通信作者:Hao, Yuguang







外文期刊名:Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering





外文关键词:wind;erosion;sand-driving wind;drift potential;sediment transport;sediment transport rate;Ulan Buh Desert


摘要:输沙势(DP)是衡量区域风沙活动强度的重要指标,为探明乌兰布和沙漠东北缘风沙活动强度特征,评估区域风能状况,该论文基于"内蒙古磴口荒漠生态系统国家定位观测研究站"2013-2017年监测的风速、风向及输沙量数据,对乌兰布和沙漠东北缘的起沙风风况、输沙势及输沙率特征进行深入研究。研究结果如下:1)研究区年均起沙风风速为6.77 m/s,年均起沙风频率为19.74%,最大风速为20.76 m/s,三者均以春季最高,是主要的风沙活动期,秋季次之,夏季与秋季较为接近,冬季最小;2)研究区四季起沙风风向与全年起沙风风向一致,均以偏东风(NNE,NE,ENE,E)和偏西风(SW,WSW,W,WNW)为主;3)研究区年输沙势(DP)和年合成输沙势(RDP)分别为183.38和73.41 VU,属于低风能环境,年方向变率指数(RDP/DP)为0.40,属于中比率,年合成输沙势方向(RDD)111.15°,为ESE方向,表明乌兰布和沙漠东北缘沙物质主要朝东南偏东方向输移;年输沙势和年合成输沙势的季节变化特征和月变化特征均为春季显著高于其他季节;(4)16方位实测输沙率为35.11 kg/m·d,WNW方向的输沙率最大,春季输沙率显著高于其他季节。
The current researches of near surface sand movement pay more attention to the short period and single direction of the blowing sand structure characteristics, but the results were difficult to combine with the long-term geomorphological processes. The sand drift potential (DP) and sediment transport are two important index to reflect windblown sand activity intensity. In order to prove the characteristic of sand-drift activities of the blown-sand movement in the northeast edge of Ulan Buh Desert, we studied the variations of sand-driving wind regime, drift potential and sediment transport rate in the northeast edge of Ulan Buh Desert, and the dates of the annual wind speed, direction and sediment transport data were collected from the “Inner Mongolia Dengkou Desert Ecosystem National Observation Research Station” during 2013-2017. We analyzed the dates by the methods of field observation, laboratory analysis and calculation. The results showed that: 1) the mean speed, frequency and maximum speed of sand-driving wind in the northeast edge of Ulan Buh Desert were 6.77 m/s, 19.74% and 20.76 m/s, respectively. These indexes were all largest in spring, the value were respectively 7.10 m/s, 24.63% and 18.43 m/s, which was main sandstorm activity period, followed by autumn, and were all smallest in winter, the value were6.53 m/s, 17.61% and 13.60 m/s, respectively. 2) The sand-driving wind direction of four seasons and the whole year were consistent with each other in the northeast edge of Ulan Buh Desert, and the main directions these were the easterly winds (NNE, NE, ENE, E) and the westerly winds (SW, WSW, W, WNW. 3) The yearly sand drift potential and the resultant drift potential(RDP) were respectively 183.38 VU and 73.41 VU, which belongs to an intermediate wind energy environment, and the yearly index of directional wind variability (RDP/DP) was 0.40, which belongs to a intermediate ratio. The yearly resultant drift direction (RDD) was 111.15°, which indicated the southeast by east direction. The sand material of the northeast edge of Ulan Buh Desert move to southeast by east direction. The seasonal variation characteristics and monthly variation characteristics in spring of the sand drift potential and the resultant drift potential, the sand drift potential and the resultant drift potential were largest in May, followed by November, and the smallest in January. 4) The sand transport quantity of the sixteen directions of northeast edge of Ulan Buh Desert was 35.11 kg/m·d, the sediment transport quantity of the WNW direction reached the maximum and the value was 3.21 kg/m·d, and the sediment transport rate showed obvious seasonal variation characteristics, while the sand transport quantity of spring was significantly higher than other seasons. The research results provide a basis for the ecological environment assessment of the northeast edge of Ulan Buh Desert, and provide a theoretical basis for regional desertification prevention and control measures.



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