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天山中部天山云杉林地表可燃物载量及其影响因素  ( EI收录)   被引量:5

Surface Fuel Loads of Tianshan Spruce Forests in the Central Tianshan Mountains and The Impact Factors



英文题名:Surface Fuel Loads of Tianshan Spruce Forests in the Central Tianshan Mountains and The Impact Factors

作者:梁瀛[1] 李吉玫[1] 赵凤君[2] 张毓涛[1] 孔婷婷[1] 努尔古丽·马坎[1]


通信作者:Zhao, Fengjun







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:fuel loads; terrain factor; stand factor; canopy density; Tianshan spruce forests


摘要:【目的】对天山中部天山云杉林地表可燃物载量进行系统调查,分析地表可燃物载量与地形和林分因子的关系,比较不同郁闭度林分可燃物载量差异,为制定科学合理的天山云杉林可燃物管理措施提供科学依据。【方法】在天山中部沿海拔梯度设置48个样地,调查和测定天山云杉林林分的1、10和100 h时滞地表可燃物载量以及地形和林分因子,采用相关分析方法分析地表可燃物载量与林分和地形因子的关系,利用多元线性回归方法建立可燃物载量估测模型。【结果】天山云杉林1、10和100 h时滞及总地表可燃物载量平均分别为1.49±1.00、2.69±1.05、2.06±0.29和6.24±1.21 t·hm^(-2)。高、中和低郁闭度天山云杉林地表总可燃物载量分别为12.09±3.13、4.29±2.35和2.34±0.83 t·hm^(-2)。1 h时滞地表可燃物载量与海拔呈显著负相关(P<0.05),与坡度和郁闭度呈显著正相关(P<0.05);10 h时滞地表可燃物载量与海拔呈显著负相关(P<0.05),与树高和郁闭度呈极显著正相关(P<0.05);100 h时滞地表可燃物载量与郁闭度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与树高呈显著正相关(P<0.05);总地表可燃物载量与郁闭度呈极显著正相关(P<0.05),与树高和坡度呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。【结论】海拔、坡度、树高和郁闭度对天山中部天山云杉林可燃物载量均有一定影响,其中郁闭度影响最显著。林分郁闭度与地表可燃物载量呈正相关。地表可燃物载量在高郁闭度林分最大,在中郁闭度林分次之。由于林内较干燥,凋落物不易分解,导致地表可燃物大量堆积,林内较高的1 h时滞地表可燃物载量使得林分发生林火的可能性增加;从地表可燃物载量的数量和构成来看,天山中部天山云杉林已具备发生森林大火的物质基础。
【Objective】This study investigated the surface fuel loads of Tianshan spruce(Picea schrenkiana) forests in the central Tianshan Mountains,analyzed their relationship with terrain and stand factors,and compared the differences in surface fuel loads among stands at different canopy density levels.The result would provide scientific data and guidance for Tianshan spruce forests fuel management.【Method 】 Totally 48 plots were set up along an altitudinal gradient in the central Tianshan.The surface fuel loads of 1,10 and 100 h time-lags and the terrain and stand factors of Tianshan spruce forests were measured.The correlations between fuel loads and the terrain and stand factors were analyzed and a fuel load estimation model was established using multiple linear regression method.【Result】 The surface fuel loads of 1 h,10 h and 100 h time-lags and the total fuel loads were 1.49 ± 1.00,2.69 ± 1.05,2.06 ± 0.29 and 6.24 ± 1.21 t·hm-2,respectively.The total fuel loads in high,medium and low canopy densityies were 12.09 ± 3.13,4.29 ± 2.35,and2.34 ± 0.83 t·hm-2,respectively.The fuel loads with 1 h time-lag were correlated negatively with elevation and positively with slope or canopy density(P 0.05).The fuel loads with 10 h time-lag were correlated negatively with elevation(P 0.05) and positively with tree height or canopy density(P 0.01).The fuel loads with 100 h time-lag were correlated positively with canopy density(P 0.01) and tree height(P 0.05).The total fuel loads werecorrelated positively with canopy density(P 0.01) and tree height(P 0.05).【Conclusion】 The elevation,slope,tree height and canopy density have to a certain degree influence on the surface fuel loads of Tianshan spruce forests in the central Tianshan Mountains,of which the canopy density has the most significant impact on the fuel loads.The canopy density is positively correlated with the fuel loads.The fuel loads were highest in the stand with the high canopy density,followed by the stand with the medium canopy density.Because it is dry in the forest and the litter is not easily decomposed,thus a large amount of surface fuel is accumulated.The higher fuel loads with 1 h time-lag in stand increased the possibility of forest fire.From the quantity and composition of the surface fuel load,it can be concluded that the Tianshan spruce forests in the central Tianshan Mountains have the material basis for the occurrence of forest fires.



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