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豫西低山丘陵区不同土地利用方式对陡坡地土壤理化性状的影响     被引量:12

Effect of different land use types on soil properties of steep slope in low hilly areas of western Henan



英文题名:Effect of different land use types on soil properties of steep slope in low hilly areas of western Henan

作者:刘沛松[1,2] 王健胜[1] 楚纯洁[1] 蒋有绪[2] 郭泉水[2] 文祯中[1]








外文期刊名:Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas





外文关键词:low hilly areas of western Henan; steep slope land; land use types; soil properties


Some soil properties of steep slope under five typical land use types(nature wild grassland, cypress forest, peach trees, artificial forest of privet and cultivated grassland) in low hilly areas of western Henan were studied. And the response of soil properties to land use was also discussed. The results showed that the artificial disturbance would accelerate soil quality degradation of steep s lope, and the ecological restoriation with the suitable tree species is important for steep slope. Except the available P, all soil properties indexes of five land use types have the significant difference(P〈0.05). Among the five land use type, the nature-approximate cypress forest is best on soil qualities index, its soil qualities index including organic C, total N, hydrolyzale N, C/N, total P, available K content and electrical conductivity were highest of all, and its total K content only rank second to that of cultivated grassland, and its pH value was close to 7 as well. The artificial forest of privet and the cultivated grassland were better on organic C, total N, hydrolyzale N, total P content and soil conductivity, and it also showed the significant difference with other land use types(P〈0.05). The vegetation's canopy and the coverage density on the steep slope would greatly affect the total K content of soil, and the total K content of forest land is higher than that of grassland. Therefore, this research suggests the cultivated grassland or landscape forest was not the suitable land use type for the steep slope land above 35° in low hilly areas of western Henan, and cypress is the first selection tree species for the ecological restoration.



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