几个枣树品种和婆枣单株对枣疯病抗性的鉴定 被引量:22
Identification of Resistances of Several Jujube Cultivars and Selected Pozao Single Trees Against Jujube Witches-Broom disease
英文题名:Identification of Resistances of Several Jujube Cultivars and Selected Pozao Single Trees Against Jujube Witches-Broom disease
作者:温秀军[1] 郭晓军[1] 田国忠[2] 孙朝晖[1] 李永[2]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金:教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金 ( 2 0 0 1498);国家"十五"攻关项目 ( 2 0 0 1BA5 0 9B12 0 2 )资助
外文关键词:jujube witches_broom disease; resistance; graft transmission; phytoplasma detection; fluorescent substance
摘要:通过嫁接病皮和病枝传病的方法,在河北唐县试验地内对壶瓶枣、蛤蟆枣、婆枣、马牙枣、砘子枣、长红枣6个枣树品种和1个酸枣品种,以及从婆枣中选择的4 6个抗性单株的抗病性进行试验研究。经过1 996年以来的多次传病测定结果表明:壶瓶枣和蛤蟆枣无一发病,表现出强的抗病性;长红枣、马牙枣、酸枣、婆枣和砘子枣表现为感病,发病率分别为6 6 6 %、78 6 %、80 0 %、1 0 0 %、1 0 0 %。筛选的4 6个婆枣单株的平均发病率为81 1 %,单株间抗病表现差异明显,有4个单株经过6年6次传病而一直没有发病,说明其对枣疯病有很强的抗性,用DAPI荧光显微镜观察,尤其是PCR技术检测,基本上能在嫁接接种后未发病的抗病单株上检测到植原体的存在,说明其体内已携带了低浓度的植原体,暗示抗病材料对植原体繁殖可能有抑制作用。对酚类物质在2个层析系统进行的薄层层析分析中发现某些抗病材料与感病材料存在不同特异性的荧光斑。在对枝条组织切片自发荧光观察中,在抗病的2个婆枣材料和1个壶瓶枣材料的韧皮部至表皮区域的薄壁细胞内中发现了较多的金黄色亮斑点。
The resistance of 6 cultivars of Ziziphus jujuba var. Hupingzao, Hamazao, Pozao, Mayazao, Dunzizao, Changhongzao, and a sour date Z. spinosa as well as 46 single resistant trees selected from Pozao against jujube witches_broom symptom were appraised by graft transmission using infected barks and twigs at the test site located at Tang County, Hebei Province. It was shown that both Hupingzao and Hamazao did not displayed any witches broom symptom (high resistance) after continuous graft inoculation six times from 1996 to 2002, while cultivars, Changhongzao, Mayazao, sour date, Pozao and Dunzizao demonstrated different susceptibility in order of 66 6%, 78 6%, 80 0%, 100% and 100%, respectively. The selected 46 resistant single trees of Pozao were with average disease incidence of 81 1% and with distinct resistance diversity among them, 4 trees did not show any symptom in the course of all graft inoculation, indicating they possessed relative high and stable resistance. Further detection by means of DAPI fluorescence microscopy and polymerase chain reaction(PCR), specially PCR, it could be found phytoplasmas usually from most resistant clones without symptom after graft inoculation, indicating that which had already carried low number of phytoplasmas and suggesting possible inhibition of those materials to the phytoplasma propagation. It was found that a different specific light blue spot in the resistant and susceptible clones by thin layer chromatography in two system, more unique golden spots were found by means of auto fluorescence microscopy spreading in the areas of phloem and parenchyma related to two Pozao and one Hupingzao in bark section.