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Dynamics of Groundwater Level and Its Affecting Factors under Different Wetland Vegetation of Lixiahe Plain, Jiangsu Province



英文题名:Dynamics of Groundwater Level and Its Affecting Factors under Different Wetland Vegetation of Lixiahe Plain, Jiangsu Province

作者:何冬梅[1] 王磊[1] 万欣[1] 徐庆[2] 高德强[2] 左海军[2]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:wetland vegetation;groundwater level;precipitation;Lixiahe Plain


[Objective] To understand the dynamic characteristics of groundwater level in typical freshwater wetland vegetation in the Lixiahe Plain which is rich in water resources in Jiangsu Province. [Method] Two groundwater depth monitoring wells were set respectively in two typical freshwater wetland vegetations(Taxodium ascendens coniferous forest and Poplar broadleaved forest) in Lixiahe Plain of Jiangsu province. The monthly and seasonal variation of groundwater level were analyzed based on the long-term observation data of groundwater level. In addition,the temperature and precipitation data of the forests during the hydrological year from September 2016 to August2017 were also collected. The correlations between the dynamics of groundwater level and the variation of temperature and precipitation were analyzed. [Result] There were significant differences in the dynamics of groundwater level between the two freshwater wetland vegetations. T. ascendens forest was almost flooded all the year round, and its monthly mean groundwater level was higher than that of Poplar forest. The amplitude of monthly variation of groundwater level in Poplar forest was larger than that of T. ascendens forest, and it showed a seasonal variation. On the seasonal scale, the average groundwater level in T. ascendens forest and Poplar forest in summer was significantly lower than that in other seasons. The effects of precipitation on the variation of groundwater level of the two freshwater wetland vegetations were different. The change of groundwater level in Poplar forest lagged behind the amount of precipitation about one month, while this lag did not appear in T. ascendens forest. The average monthly groundwater level was negatively correlated with the mean monthly temperature in both vegetation types. [Conclusion] It is concluded that there are differences in the dynamics of groundwater level and the influencing factors between the two types of freshwater wetland vegetation. In Lixiahe Plain with abundant water resources, temperature rather than the precipitation is the key factor affecting the change of groundwater level in the freshwater wetland vegetation.



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