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容器规格和基质配方对红锥幼苗生长及造林效果的影响  ( EI收录)   被引量:5

Effects of Container Size and Matrix Formula on Seedlings Growth and Early Field Performance of Castanopsis hystrix



英文题名:Effects of Container Size and Matrix Formula on Seedlings Growth and Early Field Performance of Castanopsis hystrix

作者:陈琳[1] 曾杰[2] 贾宏炎[1] 蒙彩兰[1] 黎明[1]


通信作者:Jia, Hongyan







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Castanopsis hystrix ; seedling age ; seedling quality ; growth dynamics ; field performance


摘要:【目的】通过对不同容器规格和基质配方条件下1,2年生红锥幼苗生长及造林效果对比分析,为2种年龄红锥苗木培育筛选出适宜的容器规格和基质配方,亦为其造林适宜苗龄的选择提供科学依据。【方法】采用2种容器规格和11种基质配方分别培育1,2年生红锥苗,测定红锥苗期的生长动态,并开展造林试验,调查其早期生长表现。运用方差分析、多重比较等方法,探明不同容器规格和基质配方条件下红锥幼苗生长差异,应用相关分析揭示红锥苗期生长与造林效果的相关性。【结果】容器规格和基质配方显著影响1,2年生红锥苗的苗高、地径、根生物量和总生物量(P<0.05),且两者交互作用对1,2年生幼苗的苗高、地径、根生物量以及2年生幼苗的总生物量具有显著影响。1年生红锥苗造林当年,各基质配方的造林保存率差异不显著(P>0.05),而幼树高差异显著;造林第2年,各基质配方的造林保存率和幼树高差异不显著,而地径差异显著。2年生红锥苗造林当年,各容器规格的造林保存率、幼树高和地径均差异显著,各基质配方的造林保存率差异不显著,而幼树高和地径差异显著。容器规格和基质配方的交互作用对2年生红锥苗造林当年幼树高具有显著影响。1年生红锥苗造林,当年幼树高、第2年幼树高和地径与造林前苗高、地径、根生物量和总生物量呈显著正相关,且当年和第2年幼树高与造林前幼苗根冠比呈显著负相关。2年生红锥苗造林,容器规格1(8 cm×12 cm,直径×高)当年幼树高、地径与造林前苗高和总生物量呈显著正相关,容器规格2(12 cm×15 cm,直径×高)当年幼树高与造林前苗高、地径、根生物量和总生物量呈显著正相关,而当年幼树地径与造林前总生物量呈显著正相关,表明红锥苗木质量显著影响其前两年造林效果。【结论】容器规格与基质配方对1,2年生红锥苗木生长存在交互作用,因此红锥苗期适宜基质配方选择应依据苗龄和容器规格而定。培育1年生红锥苗,建议采用容器规格1和基质配方10(50%沤制树皮+25%黄心土+25%锥林表土);培育2年生红锥苗则采用容器规格2和基质配方7(50%沤制树皮+50%锥林表土)。在杂灌控制及时的良好立地,采用容器规格1培育1年生红锥苗,其造林效果优于容器规格2培育的2年生红锥苗。
[ Objective] The growth of one- and two-year-old Castanopsis hystrix seedlings raised with different media and different sizes of containers were compared, and their out-planted performances were also evaluated, aiming to determine the optimum container size and medium, as well as to provide guidance to selection of suitable seedling age for planting. [ Method] C. hystrix seedlings were raised in containers of two sizes with eleven media. Growth dynamics and early field performance were investigated, respectively. Variance analysis with Duncan' s multiple comparison was conducted to test differences in seedling growth and the early field performance among treatments, and correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between seedling growth and early filed performance. [ Result] Container size and growing medium significantly influenced height, root collar diameter, root and total biomass of one- and two-year-old seedlings. Moreover, their interaction significantly affected height, root collar diameter and root biomass of one- and two- year-old seedlings as well as total biomass of two-year-old seedlings. For one-year-old seedlings, there was significant difference in height but not in survival rate among media in the first year after out-planting. A significant difference was found in root collar diameter but not in height and survival rate in the second year after out-planting. For two-year-old seedlings, there were profound effects of container size and medium on height and root collar diameter in the first year after out-planting. Moreover, the interaction of container size and medium influenced obviously the height of two-year-old seedlings in the first year after planting. The height in the first year, and height and root collar diameter in the second year after planting showed positive relationships with the height, root collar diameter and total biomass of one-year-old seedlings in the nursery, respectively. However, the height in the first and second year after planting were negatively correlated with the root and shoot ratio in the nursery, respectively. As for two-year-old seedlings, with container size one, their height and root collar diameter at the first year after planting were positively correlated with the height and total biomass in the nursery separately, while with container size two, their height in the first year after planting had a positive relationship with their height, root collar diameter, root and total biomass in the nursery, while the root collar diameter in the first year after planting was positively correlated with total biomass in the nursery, suggesting that seedling quality significantly influenced the field growth performance of C. hystrix seedlings within first two years after planting. [ Conclusion] The interaction of container size and medium had a profound effect on the seedling growth of one-year and two-year-old C. hystrix seedlings, therefore the optimum medium should be selected according to different seedling ages and container sizes. Container size one (8 cm ×12 cm, diameter × height) and medium ten (50% composted bark, 25% yellow soil and 25% surface soil) were recommended to raise one-year-old C. hystrix seedlings, while container size two (12 cm × 15 cm, diameter × height) and medium seven (50% composted bark and 50% surface soil) were suggested to raise two- year-old ones according to the seedling growth performance in nursery and after planting. It could be preliminarily concluded that under weed-controlled site, the field performance of one-year-old C. hystrix seedlings with container size one in the second year after out-planting was better than those of two-year-old seedlings with container size two in the first year after planting.



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