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树种组成决定联合抗性或易感性:以昆嵛山腮扁叶蜂发生为例     被引量:11

Tree species composition determines associational resistance or associational susceptibility: A case of Cephalcia kunyushanica



英文题名:Tree species composition determines associational resistance or associational susceptibility: A case of Cephalcia kunyushanica

作者:朱彦鹏[1] 梁军[1,2] 孙志强[3] 姜明媛[4] 吴晓明[4] 张星耀[1,2]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Ecology





外文关键词:Cephalcia kunyushanica; natural Pinus densiflora forest; larval density; tree speciescomposition ; random forest ; associational resistance ; associational susceptibility.


摘要:以昆嵛山天然赤松(Pinus densiflora)林和寡食性食叶昆虫-昆嵛山腮扁叶蜂(Cephalcia kunyushanica)为研究对象,对比树种组成类型、多样性、立地和林分因子对昆嵛山腮扁叶蜂种群密度的影响,分析了2009—2011年昆嵛山腮扁叶蜂在不同林分类型中种群年度波动变异系数。结果表明:林分类型是影响昆嵛山腮扁叶蜂虫口密度最重要的解释变量,随着赤松与混交亲缘关系越远,虫口密度越小。不同林分类型中,Shannon指数和赤松株虫口密度存在差异,但两者变化趋势完全不同。赤松纯林中赤松株虫口密度均为最高,与赤松-同属混交林没有显著差异,显著高于赤松-同目和阔叶树种组成的混交林;赤松纯林和赤松-同属混交林中昆嵛山腮扁叶蜂种群年度波动大于其他两种林分类型。表明相比树种多样性,树种组成对昆嵛山腮扁叶蜂种群的影响更为重要,赤松与其亲缘关系较近树种混交,昆虫种群稳定性较差,赤松与相邻树种形成对昆嵛山腮扁叶蜂联合易感作用,而与其他亲缘关系较远的树种混交,使害虫种群稳定性增强,进而形成联合抗性作用。
Cephalcia kunyushanica is a typical monophagous defoliating insect species. To deter- mine the factors affecting C. kunyushanica population distribution in different Japanese red pine (Pirtus densiflora) stands, an analysis was made on the relationships of C. kunyushanica larval density with the composition type and diversity of tree species and the site and stand factors. The annual fluctuation of C. kunyushanica population in pure Japanese red pine stand and in the mixed forests of Japanese red pine with the tree species from the same genus (Pinus) or the same order ( Pinales, except for Pinus) or with broadleaf trees species in Kunyu Mountain from 2009 to 2011 was also compared. No significant correlations were observed between C. kunyushanica lar- val density and site and stand factors. There existed differences in the larval density and Shannon index among different stand types, and the variation trends of the two indices were totally differ- ent. Forest type was the most important predictor variable in random forests regression used forpredicting the larval density of C. kunyushanica. C. kunyushanica larval density was the highest in pure Japanese red pine stand and not significantly different from that in the Japanese red pine stand mixed with Pinus sp. , but was significantly higher than that in the Japanese red pine stand mixed with broadleaf and Pinales sp. species in each of the three years. Furthermore, tree spe- cies composition was more important than tree species richness in mixed stands. From 2009 to 2010 and from 2010 to 2011, the coefficient of annual variation of C. kunyushanica population was lower in the Japanese red pine stand mixed with broadleaf trees and Pinales sp. than in the Japanese red pine stand mixed with Pinus sp. or in pure Japanese red pine stand, suggesting that C. kunyushanica population was more stable in the Japanese red pine stand mixed with broadleaf tree species than in Japanese red pine stand mixed with Pinus sp. or in pure Japanese red pine stand. Our results suggested that the association of Japanese red pine mixed with Pinus sp. could actually receive more damage by defoliating insect species than the association of Japanese red pine mixed with Pinales sp. and broadleaf trees. The taxonomic kinship of a focal tree and its neighbor trees played an important role in the likelihood of associational resistance or association- al susceptibility, and the stands of mixed tree species of close genetic relationship to focal tree species had higher larval density and lower stability of C. kunyushanica than the stands composed of genetically distant trees species.



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