角倍蚜干母发生期和数量变化及秋迁蚜生殖能力 被引量:5
Studies on Fundatrix Emergence Period,Quantitative Change and Autumn Migrant Reproductivity of Chinese Horned Gall Aphid,Schlechtendalia chinensis
英文题名:Studies on Fundatrix Emergence Period,Quantitative Change and Autumn Migrant Reproductivity of Chinese Horned Gall Aphid,Schlechtendalia chinensis
作者:唐翊峰[1] 杨子祥[1] 马琳[1] 刘平[1]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:Schlechtendalia chinensis ; fundatrix ; autumn migrant ; phototaxis ; reproduction
摘要:对角倍蚜干母的发生期、数量变化、趋光行为及秋迁蚜生殖能力进行了研究,结果表明:保存于峨眉、昆明实验室和地下室的虫袋,干母发生期分别为4月19-22日、3月31日至4月4日和4月7-10日,与原产地峨眉相比较,保存于昆明实验室和地下室的虫袋,干母发生期分别提前了19、12 d,但发生节律没有明显差异;干母发生期持续4 5 d,发生期中间的1 2 d发生量占总量的70%以上;干母发生时间集中在10:00-16:00,发生量占日发生总量的80%以上;干母对直射自然光或灯光有明显趋性。秋迁蚜密度、单头产若蚜量和怀卵量随着倍子体积的增加而增加,平均体积为(28.2±0.8)cm3的中倍子的秋迁蚜密度、单头产若蚜量和怀卵量分别为(387.7±52.3)头·cm-3、(26.4±3.8)头、(27.6±4.2)头,与体积为(5.4±0.3)cm3的小倍子相比分别增加了46.7%、24.5%和23.8%(p<0.05)。在冬寄主藓类存在的条件下,秋迁蚜产若蚜的时间更为集中,持续时间缩短。14:00和18:00迁飞的秋迁蚜,迁飞后即开始产若蚜,并在4 h达到高峰,持续时间分别为30、28 h,而8:00迁飞的秋迁蚜,迁飞2 h后开始产若蚜,16 h后才达到高峰,持续时间为36 h。
Chinese homed gall aphid, Sehlectendalia chinensis, is a major species of Chinese gallnut aphids. Like other Rhus gall aphids, S. chinensis has six forms in its life cycle, including autumn migrant, overwintering larva, spring migrant, sexuale, fundatrix, and fundatrigenia. The spring migrants produce sexuale then fundatrix after mating in the processing of gallnut aphid artificial rearing. The fundatrix performs key role since it is the gall former among all forms. Its emergence periods and quantitative changes were observed in different preservation conditions. The results showed that the fundatrices emerged from April 19th to 22nd, March 31st to April 4th and April 7th to 10th, when the spring migrant bags were preserved in Emei (the natural distribution area), laboratory and base- ment of Kunming under room temperature, respectively. There were 19 days and 12 days ahead of time comparing to its natural distribution area when they were preserved respectively in laboratory and basement of Kunming. Generally, the fundatrix emergence period lasted for 4 or 5 days and the emergence amount within the middle I to 2 days may constitute more than 70% of the whole amount. The peak emergence time happened at 10:00 - 16:00 and its amount may account more than 80% of the daily emergence amount. Furthermore, new fundatrix has phototaxis to both the sunshine and light. In addition, the autumn migrant also plays an important role because it is the transfer type from its primary host, Rhus chinensis, to the secondary host, Plagiomnium maximovicgii. The results of the experiments indicated that the density, oviposition amount and fecundity of autumn migrant of middle size gall with the average size of 28.2 ±0.8 cm3 were 387.7 ±52, 3 adults · cm -3, 26.4 ±3.8 larvae and 27.6 ±4.2 eggs, increased by 46.7% , 24.5% and 23.8% respectively compared to the small size gall with the average size of 5.4 ±0.3 cm3. The producing time of autumn migrant were more concentrated and lasted shortly when its winter host mosses were presented. The autumn migrants flying at 14:00 and 18:00 began to produce larvae after migration, then reached to the peak after 4 hours and the whole producing times lasted for 30 hours and 28 hours, respectively. However, the migrants flying at 8:00 began to produce larvae 2 hours after migration, then reached to the peak after 16 hours and the whole producing time lasted for 36 hours.