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雪灾干扰下林窗对木荷幼苗更新的影响     被引量:13

The Influence of Forest Gap on Seedling Regeneration of Schima superba after Heavy Snowstorm



英文题名:The Influence of Forest Gap on Seedling Regeneration of Schima superba after Heavy Snowstorm

作者:葛晓改[1] 周本智[1] 王刚[1] 曹永慧[1] 王小明[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:snowstorm; forest gap; Schima superba; size structure of forest gap; seedling regeneration


摘要:林窗干扰是维持森林生态系统的重要驱动力之一,对种子萌发、幼苗等自然更新过程、森林物种组成和动态、森林生物多样性的维持具有重要作用。本研究以2008年雪灾干扰后的浙江江郎山木荷林为研究对象,对木荷林窗大小结构、幼苗更新、生长等进行调查研究,结果表明:扩展林窗以50 100 m2的林窗个数最多(占总数的45.45%),各等级林窗中以50 100 m2的林窗占总面积比例最大(占总面积的30.31%)。林窗中木荷幼苗的平均高度和地径较对照林分分别高1.44 cm和0.61 mm,幼树在林窗中的平均高度和地径则比对照林分中分别高45.37 cm和5.00 mm且差异显著;林窗大小对木荷幼苗、幼树的高度和地径生长影响显著,中林窗中幼苗的高度和地径均高于小林窗和大林窗中的幼苗且差异均显著(F=4.893,P=0.007;F=5.203,P=0.004;n=357);幼树的地径在不同大小林窗中差异显著(F=3.569,P=0.037;n=43)。林窗幼苗的更新密度随着林窗面积的增大而增大,在林窗面积达到76 m2时,更新密度达到最大值,而后随着林窗面积的增大下降;中林窗和小林窗中更新苗木以低矮植株(1级、2级)为主,面积>100 m2大林窗中,木荷幼苗生长较快。与他人研究的森林天然林窗相比,雪灾干扰后改变了林窗的大小分布结构和面积,50 100 m2的林窗比例较大,一定程度上更利于幼苗更新,具有相对较大的林窗幼苗更新密度;不论林窗大小,林窗内的更新幼苗都比林内多,郁闭度较大的林内或大面积的空地上都不利于更新幼苗的生长。因此,从受灾木荷林窗大小结构、幼苗更新、生长等来看,中林窗是幼苗适宜更新的面积,为木荷灾后恢复与重建提供了科学依据。
Forest gap interference is one of the important factors maintaining forest ecosystems. It also plays an important role in driving seedling natural renewal process, forest species composition and forest biodiversity. In this study, the size structure, seedling regeneration, growth of forest gap on Schima superba in Jianglang Mountain of Zhejiang Province after 2008 snowstorm interference were evaluated, the results showed that the quantity of 50 100 m^2 forest gaps in expanded gaps was the most ( accounted for 45.45% of the total), which also occupied the highest percentage in area (accounted for 30.31% of the total area). The mean of forest gap were 1.44 em and 0.66 mm higher than that of the control, while seedling height and basal diameter the average tree height and basal saplings were 45.37 cm and 5.00 mm higher than that of the control. The effect of forest gap size on lings height and basal diameter was significant. The seedling height and basal diameter in medium seedling, sapsize forest gap were significantly higher than that in small and maximum forest gaps (F = 4. 893, P = 0. 007, F = 5. 203, P = 0. 004 ; n = 357 ). The difference of the basal diameter in different size forest gaps was significant ( F = 3.569, P = 0. 037 ; n = 43). The forest gaps' reached its maximum value when the seedlings regeneration density increased with the area of forest gaps, which forest gap area was 76 m^2, then the density decreased rapidly with the area of forest gap. Most regenerated seedlings in medium and small area forest gaps was low plants ( grade 1 and 2), the S. superba seedling grew faster when the forest gaps area larger than 100 m^2. Compared with other studies on natural forest gaps, the structure and size distribution of forest gaps changed after snowstorm interfere, the percentage of forest gaps with the area of 50 ~ 100 m^2 was higher, which was more conducive to large seedling seedling regeneration and relatively regeneration density at some extents. No matter the size of the forest gaps, the quantity of seedlings in forest gaps was more than that within forest, the forest with larger canopy density or on a large area of open space is not conducive to the growth of regenerated generation and seedling growth, the forest seedlings. Therefore, based on the structure of forest gaps, seedling regeneration and seedling growth, the forest gap with medium area is suitable for the regeneration of seedlings.



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