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光周期和温度诱导美国白蛾滞育  ( EI收录)  

Diapause of Hyphantria cunea(Lepidoptera:Arctiidae)Induced by Photoperiod and Temperature



英文题名:Diapause of Hyphantria cunea(Lepidoptera:Arctiidae)Induced by Photoperiod and Temperature

作者:王少博[1,2] 周洲[2] 陈怡萌[1] 王玉珠[1] 张永安[1] 曲良建[1]


通信作者:Qu, Liangjian







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Hyphantria cunea;diapause;photoperiod;temperature;sensitive instars


摘要:【目的】探究光周期和温度对美国白蛾滞育的影响,明确诱导美国白蛾滞育的主控因子和幼虫敏感龄期,为深入研究光周期诱导美国白蛾滞育的分子机制和开发新型防治技术奠定基础。【方法】设置4个温度(21、23、25和27℃)和7个光周期(L8∶D16、L10∶D14、L12∶D12、L13∶D11、L14∶D10、L15∶D9和L16∶D8),统计和比较28种不同处理条件下美国白蛾的滞育结果,阐明光周期和温度对美国白蛾滞育和临界光周期的影响;23℃条件下,在美国白蛾幼虫不同发育阶段分别给予长光照(L16∶D8)和短光照(L10∶D14)交替饲养处理,统计和比较32种不同处理下美国白蛾的滞育结果,明确光周期诱导美国白蛾滞育的敏感龄期。【结果】在21、23、25和27℃条件下,光照时间小于13 h,可导致美国白蛾滞育发生,光照时间达到16 h,美国白蛾个体继续发育而无滞育发生,光照时间在13~16 h之间时,滞育同时受光周期和温度调控,且滞育率随光周期增长或温度升高均呈下降趋势。21、23、25和27℃条件下的临界光周期分别为14 h 58 min∶9 h 02 min(L∶D)、14 h 45 min∶9 h 15 min(L∶D)、14 h 35 min∶9 h 25 min(L∶D)和14 h 24 min∶9 h 36 min(L∶D),临界光周期随温度升高逐渐缩短。短光照对美国白蛾滞育诱导具有累积效应,美国白蛾幼虫3龄、4龄和5龄对光周期诱导滞育最为敏感。【结论】美国白蛾属典型的长日照发育-短日照滞育型昆虫,光周期在美国白蛾滞育诱导中发挥主导作用,温度伴随光周期发挥作用,低温和短光照利于滞育发生;临界光周期受温度调控,随温度升高逐渐缩短;美国白蛾对光周期诱导滞育具有累积效应,感受光周期最敏感的阶段为幼虫3~5龄。
【Objective】This paper aims to investigate effects of photoperiod and temperature on the diapause of Hyphantria cunea,to clarify main factors of inducing the diapause,and to unveil the sensitive larval instars to photoperiod inducing the diapause.【Method】In this experiment,four temperatures(21,23,25 and 27℃)and 7 photoperiods(L8∶D16,L10∶D14,L12∶D12,L13∶D11,L14∶D10,L15∶D9 and L16∶D8)were set.The diapause incidence of these 28 treatments were analyzed and compared to show the effects of photoperiod and temperature and critical photoperiod on diapause of H.cunea.Under the condition of 23℃,the larvae were alternately treated with long photoperiod(L16∶D8)and/or short photoperiod(L10∶D14)at different developmental stages.The diapause incidence under 32 different treatments were statistically analyzed and compared to determine the sensitive period of larval instars for diapause induced by the photoperiod.【Result】At four different temperatures(21,23,25 and 27℃),the day time less than 13 h caused the diapause of H.cunea,while when the day time reached 16 h tended the individual continued to develop without diapause.The diapause is controlled by photoperiod and temperature at the same time when the day length was in the range of 13 to 16 h,and the diapause incidence decreased with the increase of temperature or photoperiod.The critical photoperiod was 14 h 58 min∶9 h 02 min(L∶D),14 h 45 min∶9 h 15 min(L∶D),14 h 35 min∶9 h 25 min(L∶D)and 14 h 24 min∶9 h 36 min(L∶D)at 21,23,25 and 27℃,respectively.Also,the response of the larvae to short photoperiod inducing diapause is cumulated,and the 3rd,4th and 5th instar were the most sensitive instars to short photoperiod inducing diapause of H.cunea.【Conclusion】The results indicate that the H.cunea is a typical short-photoperiod diapause(long photoperiod development)insect.The photoperiod plays a crucial role in the process of diapause induction,and temperature is the cofactor of diapause induction.Low temperature and short photoperiod are favorable for the diapause,and the critical photoperiod shortens with the increase of temperature.It is found that 3-5 instar of H.cunea larvae are the most sensitive developmental stage to diapause induction by short photoperiod.



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