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补光对青海云杉家系幼苗生物量和矿质元素的影响     被引量:5

Effects of Supplemental Light on Biomass and Mineral Element Content of Seedlings From Nine Families in Picea crassifolia



英文题名:Effects of Supplemental Light on Biomass and Mineral Element Content of Seedlings From Nine Families in Picea crassifolia

作者:欧阳芳群[1,2] 王军辉[2] 贾子瑞[2] 李悦[1] 仲永芳[3] 祁生秀[3]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Picea crassifolia;family;seedlings;supplmental light;biomass;mineral elements content


摘要:青海云杉( Picea crassifolia)是我国甘肃、青海等西部省份高原山地造林的优良乡土树种,其材质优良、适应性强,在区域生态林与用材林建设中有重要地位。青海云杉实生苗早期生长缓慢,育苗周期长,效率低,露地育苗常需6~7年出圃(张守攻等,2005),严重制约其繁殖利用。初步试验表明,通过温室内延长光照时间青海云杉1年生苗的苗高已超过传统露地育苗3年生苗,比常规育苗提早3~4年出圃(张守攻等,2005),为提高青海云杉的育苗效率提供有效的技术保障,并已逐步在生产上推广。
Supplementing light in the night can efficiently promote the seedlings growth of Picea crassifolia,but the families genetic variation with supplemental light and the relationship between seedlings growth and mineral elements content were not clear. In this study,we explore the effects of extending lighting time on seedling growth and nutrition absorption,and analyze the response of the family genetic difference to light supplemental. The biomass and mineral element content of nine families from superior trees in P. crassifolia with supplemental light were investigated in growing and bud set period. The results showed that biomass and mineral element content were significantly affected by family, lighting time and interacted by family and lighting time. The biomass of P. crassifolia was increased with supplemental light treatment,and the aboveground biomass and underground biomass were 2. 01 and 1. 54 times higher than that of the control,respectively. The seedlings with higher growth rate had lower N:P ratio which was mainly affected by the P content. The N:P ratio of seedlings with supplemental light (7. 71) was significantly lower than that of the control (9. 05) in July. There was a significant negative correlation between the P content and the aboveground biomass. With increased seedling growth promoted by supplemental light,the P content was probably diluted in synthesizing RNA and protein. Thus,it is necessary to apply phosphate fertilizer to seedlings with supplemental light. The family genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity to lighting time together brought about the different responses of different families in biomass and nutrient element content to the supplemental light,which makes it possible to select superior family under supplemental light.



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