基于地理加权回归的天然次生林进界木空间分布模拟 被引量:4
Spatial distribution simulation of recruitment trees of natural secondary forest based on geographically weighted regression
英文题名:Spatial distribution simulation of recruitment trees of natural secondary forest based on geographically weighted regression
外文期刊名:Journal of Beijing Forestry University
外文关键词:natural secondary forest;geographically weighted regression;recruitment tree;spatial heterogeneity
摘要:【目的】研究天然次生林的进界木数量和空间分布格局,分析进界木株数与各个变量间的响应关系,探索应对处理空间非平稳数据的可行办法,构建最优的进界木株数模型形式,以期为天然次生林的生长动态研究提供更为精确的技术手段,从而为指导天然次生林的森林质量精准提升提供参考依据。【方法】以吉林省汪清林业局塔子沟林场的天然次生林为研究对象,基于106块1997年和2007年两期的局级固定样地,以林分因子、地形因子和土壤因子为影响因子,分别构建常规泊松回归模型(PR)、地理加权泊松回归模型(GWPR)、半参数地理加权泊松回归模型(SGWPR)对研究区的进界木株数和分布情况进行模拟估测;采用决定系数(R2)、均方误差(MSE)和赤池信息准则(AIC)对3种模型的拟合效果进行评价;利用全域和局域Moran’s I对比分析3种模型残差的空间自相关性和局域空间聚集情况;运用半参数地理加权泊松回归模型的拟合结果绘制研究区的进界木空间分布图,分析进界木在研究区的分布规律。【结果】(1)在3种模型中,林分因子和地形因子均对塔子沟天然次生林进界木株数产生较大影响,其中林分平均胸径是影响最大的变量,两者之间呈显著的负相关关系;(2)采用地理加权后的泊松回归模型在拟合效果方面要明显优于常规泊松回归模型,其中半参数地理加权泊松回归模型具有最佳的拟合效果;对于存在偏离期望值较远的强影响点的拟合,该模型表现出极好的效果;(3)采用地理加权后的泊松回归模型具有较好的稳定性,能够大幅度降低模型残差的空间自相关性。相比之下,半参数地理加权泊松回归模型能够最大限度地减少残差呈现相似聚集的空间分布情况;(4)10年后塔子沟林场83%以上的区域,其进界木株数在0~683株/hm^2之间,北部区域的林分进界情况整体要好于南部区域,局部范围出现的极大值主要位于林场东北部的边缘山坡地带。【结论】采取地理加权后的泊松模型能更好地揭示进界木株数与各个变量之间的空间异质性;采用半参数地理加权回归泊松模型能够得到最优的进界木株数模型;在构建进界木株数模型时,并非所有的变量都需要考虑地理加权,应该视具体的研究内容和数据特征而定。
[Objective]By studying the amount and spatial distribution pattern of recruitment trees in natural secondary forest,the response of recruitment trees to various variables was analyzed,the reasonable method of processing spatial non-stationary data was explored,and the optimal model of the amount of recruitment trees was constructed.It is expected to provide more accurate technical means for the study of growth dynamics of natural secondary forests,and to provide a reference for the accurate improvement of forest quality of natural secondary forests.[Method]Based on the data collected from 106 bureau level permanent sample plots in Tazigou Forest Farm of Wangqing Forestry Bureau in Jilin Province of northeastern China during 1997 and 2007,we taken stand factor,topography factor and soil factor as the influencing factors and established conventional Poisson regression(PR),geographically weighted Poisson regression(GWPR)and semiparametric geographically weighted Poisson regression(SGWPR),respectively to simulate the status of amount and distribution of recruitment trees of natural secondary forest in the area.Coefficient of determination(R2),mean square error(MSE)and Akaike’s information criterion(AIC)were used to evaluate the fitting effects of three models.The spatial autocorrelation and local spatial aggregation of residuals of the three models were analyzed by global and local Moran’s I.The spatial distribution of recruitment trees in the research area was drawn with the fitting results of SGWPR,and the distribution pattern of recruitment trees in the research area was analyzed.[Result](1)In the three models,both stand factor and topographic factor had a great influence on the amount of recruitment trees,among which the average DBH of stand was the variable with the greatest influence,and there was a significantly negative correlation between them;(2)GWPR was obviously better than PR in the fitting effect,among which SGWPR had the best fitting effect.For the fitting of the strong influencing points which deviated far from the expected value,it showed excellent effect;(3)GWPR had a better stability and can significantly reduce the spatial autocorrelation of model residual.By contrast,SGWPR can minimize the spatial distribution of residual with similar aggregation;(4)ten years later,in more than 83%area of Tazigou Forest Farm,the number of recruitment trees was 0?683 per hectare.The overall condition of northern area was better than southern area,and the maximum value of local area was mainly located in the marginal hillside of the northeast of forest farm.[Conclusion]The optimal model for the amount of recruitment trees can be obtained by SGWPR.When constructing the model of amount of recruitment trees,not all variables need to consider the geographically weighting,which should be determined according to the specific research content and data.