糠醇单体与预聚体混合物改性杨木 ( EI收录)
Modified Poplar Wood with the Mixture of Prepolymer and Monomer of Furfuryl Alcohol
英文题名:Modified Poplar Wood with the Mixture of Prepolymer and Monomer of Furfuryl Alcohol
作者:沈晓双[1] 邹献武[1] 李改云[1] 王小青[1] 刘君良[1]
通信作者:Zou, Xianwu
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:poplar;wood modification;furfuryl alcohol monomer;furfuryl alcohol prepolymer
摘要:【目的】研究糠醇单体与预聚体混合物浸渍改性木材的可行性,以提高糠醇预聚体利用率,降低生产成本,促进糠醇树脂改性技术的产业化发展。【方法】以马来酸酐为催化剂、硼砂为稳定剂、水为稀释剂,调控糠醇预聚体与单体比例,配制成均一稳定的水溶性木材改性溶液。采用此溶液浸渍改性杨木,并与糠醇单体改性杨木的增重率、浸出率、尺寸稳定性和力学性能进行比较。【结果】当糠醇单体与预聚体质量比为35∶15时,可配制成均一稳定、糠醇质量分数为50%的单体与预聚体混合物改性溶液。采用此溶液浸渍改性杨木的增重率为90.47%,比相同糠醇质量分数的单体改性材提高6.41%;浸出率为5.27%,比单体改性材降低14.17%。混合物改性材径向、弦向和体积抗湿胀率分别为77.76%、62.56%和70.02%,比单体改性材分别提高4.80%、1.00%和2.07%。混合物改性材顺纹抗压强度为69.93 MPa,比单体改性材提高12.55%,弯曲强度和弹性模量分别为75.86 MPa和11.36 GPa,比单体改性材均略有降低。当单体、预聚体混合物改性溶液中糠醇质量分数降低到44%时,该混合物改性溶液浸渍处理杨木的增重率与糠醇质量分数为50%单体改性溶液浸渍处理杨木的增重率相当,且2种改性材的浸出率、抗湿胀率和力学性能均非常接近。红外光谱分析表明,混合物改性材红外光谱吸收峰的变化与单体改性材类似,均在790和735 cm-1附近出现归属呋喃环与支链的碳碳键吸收峰,说明糠醇树脂已进入改性材。同时,混合物改性材和单体改性材在3 352和1 329 cm-1附近归属羟基吸收峰的峰强度均有所降低,而在1 245 cm-1附近归属苯环与酚羟基的碳氧键吸收峰的峰形变宽且向右发生偏移,说明糠醇单体和混合物均与木材中羟基发生化学交联。激光扫描共聚焦显微镜分析表明,混合物改性材与单体改性材一样,在木材细胞腔、细胞壁和胞间层都可见糠醇树脂存在,且细胞腔内糠醇树脂总是存在于细胞壁内壁。【结论】通过调控糠醇单体与预聚体比例,可得到均一稳定的木材改性溶液,改性溶液浸渍处理杨木的性能略优于相同质量分数的单体改性溶液。为获得增重率相近的改性材,混合物的糠醇质量分数应低于单体的糠醇质量分数。
【Objective】 In order to improve the utilization efficiency of prepolymer of furfuryl alcohol, reduce production cost and promote the industrialization of wood furfurylation, the feasibility of impregnatingly modified wood with prepolymer of furfuryl alcohol(FA-pp)was studied in this paper.【Method】 By controlling the mass ratio of furfuryl alcohol monomer(FA-mon)to FA-pp, a homogeneous, stable and water soluble solution for modified wood was prepared by using maleic an hydrideas a catalyst, borax as a stabilizer and water as a diluent. Furthermore, weight percent gain, leach ability, dimensional stability and mechanical properties of modified poplar wood with the mixture of FA-mon and FA-pp were determined, and compared with those properties of FA-mon modified poplar.【Result】 When the mass ratio of FA-mon to FA-pp was 35∶15, a homogeneous and stable solution of 50% furfuryl alcohol was prepared. Weight percent gain of 90.47% was achieved when poplar wood was impregnated and modified with this mixture solution, which raised 6.41% than that of modified poplar with 50% FA-mon solution. Meanwhile, the leach ability of modified wood with the mixture was 5.27%, which lower 14.17% than that of modified wood with FA-mon. Furthermore, anti-swelling efficiency(ASE)of modified wood with the mixture showed slightly improvements of 4.80%, 1.00% and 2.07% in radial(77.76%), tangential(62.56%)and volumetric(70.02%), compared with that of modified wood with FA-mon. The compression strength parallel to grain of the mixture modified wood(69.93 MPa)substantially increased by 12.55% than that of FA-mon modified wood;but the bending strength(75.86 MPa)and elastic modulus(11.36 GPa)of the mixture modified wood showed a slight decrease than those of FA-mon modified wood. However, when the mass fraction of furfuryl alcohol in the mixture solution deceased to 44%, WPG of wood modified with this solution was nearly same to that with 50% FA-mon solution. Furthermore, the leach ability, ASE values and mechanical properties of the mixture modified wood with 44% solution showed similarity to those of modified wood with 50% FA-mon solution. The analytical result of the infrared spectroscopy showed that absorption peaks of the mixture modified wood were similar to that of FA-mon modified wood. The absorption peaks of furan ring-CH can be seen near to 790 and 735 cm^-1, which proved that the furfuryl alcohol resin had entered into modified wood. Simultaneously, the absorption peaks intensities of hydroxyl near to 3 352 cm-1and 1 329 cm^-1 were weakened, and the 1 245 cm^-1 absorption peak became broader and shifted to the right, which indicated that FA-mon or FA-pp formed the chemical cross linking with hydroxyl within modified wood. The analysis result from confocal laser scanning microscopy suggested that furfuryl alcohol resin had entered into the cell lumina, cell walls and middle lamella when wood was treated with the mixture or FA-mon modified solution. Furthermore, the furfuryl alcohol resin in the cell lumina was always presenting on the inner cell walls.【Conclusion】 By controlling of the mass ratio of FA-mon to FA-pp, a homogeneous and stable solution for modified wood can be prepared. The main properties of modified wood with the mixture were slightly superior than those of FA-mon modified wood with the same mass fraction of furfuryl alcohol. Furthermore, the mass fraction of furfuryl alcohol with the mixture solution should be less than that with FA-mon solution to obtain furfury lated wood with the similar properties.