四川青川县初榨橄榄油营养成分及油脂特性分析 被引量:13
Analysis of Composition of Nutritions and Characteristic for Virgin Oil of Oleaeuropaea L from Qingchuan Country in Sichuan Province
英文题名:Analysis of Composition of Nutritions and Characteristic for Virgin Oil of Oleaeuropaea L from Qingchuan Country in Sichuan Province
作者:龙伟[1] 王裕斌[2] 姚小华[1] 都卫东[3] 吕乐燕[4] 任华东[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association
外文关键词:virginal oil of OleaeuropaeaL, fatty acid, volatile substance
摘要:为摸清四川青川县主栽油橄榄品种初榨橄榄油的脂肪酸组成、营养成分和挥发性物质,利用气相色谱、气质联相色谱对油脂进行检测,结果显示:平均不饱和脂肪酸为82.82%,为豆果83.30%>皮削利83.05%>鄂植8号82.1%,其中品种间油酸和油酸含量间存在显著差异;平均值维生素E含量为28.78 mg/100 g,为鄂植8号32.7 mg/100 g!皮削利27.5 mg/100 g!豆果24.4mg/100g,品种间α-维生素E存在显著差异;平均值角鲨烯含量为4 512.48 mg/kg,为皮削利6 690.95 mg/kg!鄂植8号4 386.50 mg/kg!豆果2 460.00 mg/kg,品种间角鲨烯存在极显著差异;平均值β-谷甾醇含量为849.00 mg/kg,为鄂植8号1 161.30 mg/kg!皮削利946.35 mg/kg!豆果439.35 mg/kg,品种间β-谷甾醇存在极显著差异。油脂中鉴定出25种挥发性化合物,其中醛类4个,醇类2个,酯类5个,烯烃类7个和萜烯类5个,其他2种;鄂植8号和豆果橄榄油挥发性物质的主要为醛类,占总物质的55.88%和52.58%,皮削利挥发性物质主要为烯烃类物质,占总物质的53.68%。综上所述,青川初榨橄榄油营养物质丰富,挥发性物质独特,香味浓郁,存在明显的地域特征,具有良好的开发价值。
It was aimed at checking out composition of fatty acid, nutrition and volatile substances by GC and GC-MS in virgin olive oil of three varieties which they were be planted in Qingchuan County, Sichuan Province. The results showed that the average content of unsaturated fatty acid in virginal oil was 82.82%, and they were be ranked asArbequina 83.30%〉Picholine 83.05%〉E'Zhi 8# 82.1%;There were significant difference in oleic acid and linoleicacid of varieties. The average content of ɑ-vitamin E in virginal oil was 28.78mg/100g,and they were be ranked as E'Zhi 8# 32.7 mg/100 g〉Picholine 27.5 mg/100 g〉Arbequina24.4 mg/100 g;There were significant difference in ɑ-vitamin E of varieties. The average content of squalene in virginal oil was 4512.48mg/kg, and it was ranked as Picholine6 690.95 mg/kg〉E'Zhi 8# 4386.50mg/kg〉Arbequina 2460.00mg/kg; There were very significant difference in squalene of varieties. The average content of β-sitosterol in virginal oil was 849.00mg/kg, and they were be ranked asE'Zhi 8# 1 161.30 mg/kg〉Picholine 946.35 mg/kg〉Arbequina 439.35mg/kg;There were very significant difference in ?-sitosterol of varieties. Volatile compounds were be identified 25 kinds in virginal oil, including four aldehydes, two alcohols, five esters, seven alkenes and five terpenes and two others; Aldehydes were main composition of volatile substances in E'Zhi 8# and Arbequina, accounting for the total material 55.88% and 52.58%; Alkene hydrocarbon were main composition of volatile substances in Picholine, accounting for the total material of 53.68%. To sum up, there were many special characteristics in virginal oil of Qingchuan, including abundant nutrition, unique volatile substances and flavor. So they had obviously geographical characteristics and great value of development.