海南岛尖峰岭山地雨林的群落结构、物种多样性以及在世界雨林中的地位 被引量:97
Community structures and species richness in the montane rain forest of Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China
英文题名:Community structures and species richness in the montane rain forest of Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China
作者:方精云[1] 李意德[2] 朱彪[1] 刘国华[3] 周光益[2]
外文期刊名:Chinese Biodiversity
基金:国家自然科学基金资助 ( 4 99710 0 2 )
外文关键词:environmental factors, mountain rainforest, northern limit of tropical zone, sampling strategy, species diversity
摘要:位于海南岛西南部的尖峰岭是目前我国为数不多、保存得较为完好的具有热带雨林性质的森林类型。在较典型的山地雨林中 ,设置 1hm2 的固定样地 ,记录到DBH≥ 5 .0cm的乔木 171种 ,隶属于 5 2科 93属 ,总株数 10 99株 ,其中乔木种株数为 10 2 4。样地的Shannon Wiener指数 (H′)、均匀度指数 (E)和Simpson指数 (D)分别为 4 .11、0 .80和 0 .97,但取样面积和测定个体的起始大小等取样技术对物种多样性指数有显著的影响。随着取样面积的增加 ,H′值逐渐增加 ;但超过了 4 0 0 0m2 以后 ,增加不明显。E和D值在取样面积达到 2 0 0 0m2 后 ,基本保持不变。随着测定个体起始直径的增加 ,物种数、科数、H′和D都呈现出明显的减少趋势 ,而E值增加。径级频度分布的分析表明 ,该山地雨林的垂直结构可以划分成 4个层次 ,每个层次的个体大小在空间上呈均匀或随机分布。从气候学、科属组成以及与世界热带雨林物种多样性的比较等方面 ,讨论了尖峰岭山地雨林在世界雨林中的地位。气候学分析表明 ,尖峰岭山地雨林在温度带上属于亚热带 /暖温带范围 ,但由于其丰沛的降水量 ,使物种多样性较为丰富 ,具备了雨林的特点。对科属组成的分析表明 ,亚热带 /暖温带科属占优势 ,其中典型的亚热带
Mt. Jianfengling, located in southwestern Hainan Island, is one of few areas in China where there exist well-protected primary forest types resembling tropical rainforest. An 1 hm2 of permanent plot was established in a mountain rainforest and all trees with DBH≥5.0 cm were measured to study community structures and species richness of the forest type. A total of 171 species belonging to 93 genera and 52 families were identified, and a total of 1099 individuals were recorded, of which 1024 were trees. Diversity indices measured as Shannon-Wiener index (H′), evenness index (E) and Simpson index (D) were 4.11, 0.80 and 0.97 respectively. These indicies varied with sample size and initial DBH of measured individuals. H′, E and D clearly increased with increasing sample size, but exhibited no obvious pattern above 4000 m2 for H′ or 2000 m2 for E and D. As the initial DBH increased, numbers of species and families, as well as H′ and D decreased sharply, while E increased. DBH class frequency distribution revealed that number of individuals decreased with increasing DBH classes following an exponential function, and that community structure could be separated into four strata along an elevation gradient, with individuals distributed uniformly or randomly in each layer. The orientation of mountain rainforest of Jianfengling in the world rainforests is discussed from three aspects of climatology, family and genus composition, and comparison of species richness between rainforests of Jianfengling and other tropical regions. Climatological analysis indicated that the mountain rainforest of Jianfengling thermally corresponds to subtropical/warm-temperate zones and to arid/humid ranges of perhumid climate (rainforest climate). Floristically, subtropical/warm-temperate elements dominated, especially Fagaceae and Lauraceae (together accounting for more than 34% of the total importance value), while tropical elements were subordinate. Compared with the world tropical forests, species richness in the mountain rainforest in Jianfengling was lower than typical tropical rainforests but somewhat higher than tropical forests with low rainfall. Thus, the mountain rainforest of Jianfengling is much different with typical tropical rainforest and is a transitional forest type from tropical to subtropical/warm-temperate rainforests. In addition, two measures of species richness, mean population density (MPD) and number of species-number of individuals relationship, are proposed and mathematically defined.