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海南岛热带低地雨林老龄林木本植物幼苗的功能性状分析     被引量:19

Analysis of functional traits of woody plant seedlings in an old-growth tropical lowland rain forest on Hainan Island, China



英文题名:Analysis of functional traits of woody plant seedlings in an old-growth tropical lowland rain forest on Hainan Island, China

作者:路兴慧[1] 丁易[1] 臧润国[1] 邹正冲[2] 黄卢标[2]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology





外文关键词:growth form; leaf mass fraction; specific leaf area; specific stem density; stem mass fraction


摘要:运用功能性状的研究方法能有效地利用植物的生理、形态和生活史等特征,揭示性状对物种共存的影响。以往有关热带林的群落生态学分析中,基本上都是以胸径(DBH)≥1 cm以上的个体为对象,而对DBH<1 cm的幼苗很少关注。该文以海南岛典型的热带低地雨林老龄林内幼苗多度最大的16个物种的幼苗为研究对象,详细测定了4种功能性状:比叶面积(SLA)、叶干物质比例(LMF)、比茎密度(SSD)和茎干物质比例(SMF),分析了这些性状之间及其与幼苗高度的关系。结果表明:SLA和LMF随幼苗高度增加而显著减小,SSD和SMF随幼苗高度增加而显著增加;幼苗功能性状在不同的生长阶段均达到显著差异;乔木和灌木幼苗的各功能性状均无显著差异,藤本植物幼苗的各功能性状与前两种生长型植物有显著差异;乔木、灌木通过低的SLA、LMF和高的SMF来适应热带低地老龄林的林下低光环境,藤本植物则通过相反的策略实现在老龄林中的共存;幼苗通过调节各功能性状之间的权衡来适应环境。
Aims The traits of seedlings are often directly related to the performance and function of adult plants in an ecosystem.Measurements of seedling traits are easy and accurate compared to adult traits.Many studies have been conducted on the trait-based assembly of trees in tropical forests in recent years;however,studies on functional traits of seedlings with diameter at breast height(DBH) 1 cm are scarce.Our objective was to explore the variation of functional traits of woody seedlings in the old-growth tropical lowland rain forest on Hainan Island,China.Methods We selected the 16 most abundant species of woody plant seedling with a DBH 1 cm.They represented three growth forms: trees(nine species),shrubs(three species) and lianas(four species).They were also grouped into four growth stages according to the seedling height(H) classes: I(5 ≤ H 20 cm),II(20 ≤ H 40 cm),III(40 ≤ H 80 cm) and IV(80 ≤ H 120 cm).The major functional traits of these seedlings,specific leaf area(SLA),leaf mass fraction(LMF),specific stem density(SSD) and stem mass fraction(SMF) were measured.We assessed the variation in seedling functional traits among different growth forms and height classes and examined the correlations among functional traits.Important findings There were significant differences among varied growth stages in seedling functional traits.SLA and LMF decreased gradually,but SMF increased with the growth stages of seedlings.SSD was lowest in the first growth stage,but showed no significant difference among the subsequent three growth stages.There were no significant differences between trees and shrubs for any functional traits.Seedlings adapt to the stressful rainforest understory environment(such as low light) by decreasing SLA and LMF and increasing SMF.However,lianas adapt to the environment through the opposite strategy.There were significant correlations between the different functional traits of seedlings.Our study suggests that the seedlings of different growth forms in the tropical lowland rainforest adapt to their environment by changing the value of different functional traits.



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