米老排人工林种子雨时空动态特征及其采伐更新设计 ( EI收录)
Spatial-Temporal Dynamic Patterns of Seed Rain and Their Applications in Harvesting and Regeneration Design of Mytilaria laosensis Plantation
英文题名:Spatial-Temporal Dynamic Patterns of Seed Rain and Their Applications in Harvesting and Regeneration Design of Mytilaria laosensis Plantation
作者:唐继新[1,2,3] 贾宏炎[1] 李武志[1] 雷相东[2] 曾冀[1] 雷渊才[2]
通信作者:Lei, Yuancai
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Mytilaria laosensis plantation;strip clear-cutting;seed rain;submerged seed;spatial-temporal dynamics;distribution forecasting;cutting regeneration design
摘要:【目的】以带状皆伐后米老排人工林为对象,研究其保留带和皆伐迹地种子雨及沉水种子的时空动态,旨在为米老排人工林更新采伐设计及促进天然更新提供科学依据。【方法】在米老排人工林带状皆伐后,分别在保留带和皆伐迹地内各布设3个固定样地,连续2年观测种子雨。采用单因素方差分析和t检验的方法对不同样地的种子雨组成进行分析。采用幂函数、指数函数及其对数转化函数模型,建立皆伐迹地内种子雨及沉水种子密度随离开林缘距离变化的分布预测模型。【结果】种子雨散落的起始期在9月下旬至10月中旬、高峰期在10月下旬至12月中旬、消退期在12月下旬至翌年1月上旬;在保留带内,种子雨密度及沉水种子密度的空间异质性不明显,年际差异也不显著;在皆伐迹地内,部分离林缘等距离样点间的种子雨密度与沉水种子密度的空间异质明显(P<0.05),年际差异也显著(P<0.05);在皆伐迹地,种子雨的沉水种子百分比随离林缘距离增加呈先增后降的变化;保留带的种子雨及沉水种子在林缘外皆伐迹地扩散的空间分布可用指数函数转换的线性模型较好描述,其最远扩散距离分别为25和20 m。【结论】成熟米老排人工林用于天然更新的种源充足,不存在限制;如果米老排人工林采伐时间是从12月至翌年1月底,因种子已散落且足够,故在满足国家有关人工林采伐政策的前提下,可用皆伐或不受宽度限制的带状皆伐;若在不是种子集中散落期且种子活力已丧失的时间采伐,如在6~9月,宜用带状采伐,且其适宜宽度及最大带宽为35与40 m。
【Objective】A Mytilaria laosensis plantation after strip clear-cutting was used to study the temporal and spatial dynamics of seed rain sand submerged seed in the reserved belts(hereinafter referred to as the reserved belts)and the stripclear-cutting sites(hereinafter referred to as the clear cutting sites),in order to provide scientific basis for the harvesting design and natural regeneration of the plantation.【Method】After the plantation had been harvested with strip clear-cutting,three fixed plots were respectively set in the reserve belts and the clear-cutting sites,and the seed rain in the fixed plots was surveyed for two consecutive years.Based on the data of the surveys,the composition of the seed rain in different fixed plots was analyzed with the single factor variance analysis and t test.The seed rain densities and submerged seed densities on the strip clear-cutting sites with different distance to the forest edge,were respectively simulated and forecasted with a power function model,exponential function model,logarithm function model that transformed from the power function,and logarithm function that transformed from the exponential function.【Results】For the seed rain of the plantation,the starting phase was in late September to October,the peak period was in the middle and late October to December,the fading period was from late December to early January of following year.In the reserve belts,both the seed rain and submerged seed densities had no significant difference in different plots in the same year,and in the same plot in different years.At the clear-cutting sites,both the seed rain and submerged seed densities with few equidistant location away from the forest edge,had a significant difference(P<0.05)in different plots in the same year,or in the same plot in different years.Percentage of submerged seed with seed rain at the clear-cutting sites,was increasing at first then declining with the increase of distance to the forest edge.Spatial distribution of the seed rain and the submerged seed densities on the clear-cutting land of the reserve belts were approximately exponential distribution,the farthest distance away from their spread was 25 and 20 m respectively.【Conclusion】In the forest plantation which reached the mature age,the seed source was very sufficient for natural regeneration.If harvesting time of the plantation is from December to the end of January of next year,when the seeds have been scattered and are sufficient,the strip clear-cutting with no limit width and clear-cutting could be chosen as the ways of harvesting and regeneration for the plantation,but ways of the strip clear-cutting and clear-cutting should be under the premise of meeting the national policy on artificial forest harvesting.If the harvesting time is from June to September,suitable width and maximum limit width of the strip clear-cutting should be respectively within 35 and 40 m.The logarithmic function model based on exponential function transformation is better to simulate and forecast dynamics of seed rain and submerged seed densities on the clear-cutting sites of the reserve belts with the increasing distance of forest edge.