密度调控对米老排中龄人工林生长的影响 被引量:17
Effect of density regulation on growth of Mytilaria laosensis plantation with middle age
英文题名:Effect of density regulation on growth of Mytilaria laosensis plantation with middle age
作者:唐继新[1,2] 贾宏炎[1] 王科[3] 曾冀[1] 郑路[1] 王亚南[1] 杨保国[1]
外文关键词:Mytilaria laosensis;density regulation;middle age stand;plantation;mean tree;dominant tree;growth;Student's t test
摘要:【目的】密度是影响林分生产力的关键因素之一,分析密度调控对米老排中龄林生长的影响,进而为其间伐密度调控提供决策依据。【方法】以南亚热带中等立地两种不同密度调控的米老排中龄林为对象,按优势木、中等木、被压木的条件选取了28株标准木(每林分各14株),基于2 m区分段的中央断面积树干解析法和双侧t检验的统计分析法,对不同调控密度下米老排林分的平均木、优势木和林分蓄积等生长过程进行对比分析。【结果】米老排径向生长的缓慢期在第1~2年,速生期在第3~10年,衰减期在第14年后。树高的早期速生特性明显,连年生长量呈多峰状,速生期主要在第2~6年。平均木与优势木材积生长的缓慢期均在前6年,从第8年起均进入速生期;密度对平均木材积连年生长与林分数量成熟时间的影响显著,哨平试验林(在第12年经过生长伐1次,伐后林分最终密度为1 200株/hm2)数量成熟在第24年,而青山试验林(分别在第12年、第17年、第25年经过3次生长伐后,林分最终密度为520株/hm2)直至第34年仍未达到数量成熟。中弱度间伐(株数间伐强度<30%)对中龄林蓄积总生长量的影响不显著,对林分蓄积连年生长量短期有一定影响;强度间伐(株数间伐强度>30%)对中龄林蓄积总生长量与连年生长量的影响显著(P<0.05)。在第14年后,米老排树种的实验形数趋于稳定。【结论】林分密度调控在520~1 200株/hm2的范围内,密度调控措施对米老排平均木的胸径和材积的生长影响显著(P<0. 05),对林分树高和平均实验形数的影响不显著,对优势木的胸径与材积的短期生长影响显著(P<0. 05),对其长期生长的影响不显著,对减小林分径阶分化及提高大径木比例的作用明显。
【Objective】Stand density regulation can promote the growth of trees,improve forest quality as well as forest stand structure,and play the key role in the technology of forest multi-function. Thus,reasonable stand density regulation can affect the achievement of a forest culture’s goals and influence the full extent of the forest for greater benefits. To obtain a reasonable thinning measure for mid-maturation Mytilaria laosensis plantations,it is important to ascertain the effects of density regulation on plantation growth. 【Method】Based on 28 analytic trees( 14 analytic trees in each stand),including dominant trees,medium trees,and pressed trees,the growth of dominant trees,mean trees,and stand volume in two mid-maturation Mytilaria laosensis plantations( Qingshan stand and Shaoping stand) with different density regulation in the south subtropical area of China were compared. Comparisons were made using the tree stem analytic method of the middle section in 2 m and Student ’ s t-test was conducted with data processing system software( DPS14.5). The Qingshan stand had an afforestation time in the spring of 1982,a planted density of 2 500 plants per hectare,and experienced one lighting cutting( in the 7th year) and three accretion cuttings( in the 12 th,17th,and 27 th year;the stem thinning intensity was between 21%-42%) after afforestation;after which the forest stand density was 520 plants per hectare. For the Shaoping stand,planting time was in the spring of 1984,afforestation density was 2 500 plants per hectare,and the stand experienced once lighting cutting( in the 7 th year) and one accretion cutting( in the 12 th year;the stem thinning intensity was 27%);after thinning the stand density was 1 200 plants per hectare.【Result】(1) The radial slow-growing period occurred during the first 1-2 years,and the fast-growing stage occurred at 3-10 years of age( annual increment of diameter at breast height( DBH) was during 0.72-2.45 cm),with attenuation starting at 14 years of age.(2) Tree height exhibited distinct fast growing characteristics in the early stages of growth,spanning from the 2 nd to the 6 th year( annual growth of tree height was between 1.30-1.75 m),and the annual increment of tree height took on a multimodality.(3) The stock volume slow growth period of the medium trees and the dominant trees was in the first 6 years,giving way to a fast-growth period in the 8 th year. Density regulation had a significant impact on the annual volume increment of the medium trees,as well as the stand quantitative maturity ages. The Shaoping stand reached quantity maturity in its 24 th year,but for the Qingshan stand,it was not reached until the 34 th year.(4) The intermediate and weak thinning operations,with the stem thinning intensity less than 30%,had no significant influence on the total growth of stand volume of the middle-aged stands,but could influence the annual increment of stand volume to some extent over a short time period. The high-intensity thinning practices,with the stem thinning intensity greater than 30%,had a significant influence on the total growth and the annual increment of stand volume.(5) After 14 years of age,the experimental form factor of the species tended to be stable( mean value between 0.41-0.42),and the step form level was Ⅲ-Ⅳ.【Conclusion】When the stem density fell into the range from 520 to 1 200 stems per hectare,the growth of tree height and the experimental form factor were not significantly affected by density regulation. The DBH growth and the stock volume growth of the mean trees were obviously affected by density regulation( P < 0. 05). The short-term DBH growth and stock volume growth of the dominant trees were also significantly affected by density regulation( P< 0.05),but the influence was not significant in the long run. Density regulation can reduce the stand diameter order differentiation and can increase the percentage of large diameter stems. Dominant trees are in the forest’s upper layer,being the most dynamic in the forest,the effect of stand density on tree height growth was very small. Thus,the tree height growth process can be used as key process parameters for the full cycle multi-function forest silviculture system design under different site conditions. Based on business objectives,timber market expectations,and other information,stand density regulation can control the stand maturity period,and decrease the risk of forest management.