两种绿地对机动车排放CO_2的削减作用比较 被引量:2
Comparison on the Reduction of CO_2 Emission from Motor Vehicles at Two Types of Community Structure
英文题名:Comparison on the Reduction of CO_2 Emission from Motor Vehicles at Two Types of Community Structure
作者:张骁博[1] 孙守家[2] 郑宁[2] 李新宇[3] 舒健骅[4] 李春友[1]
外文期刊名:Ecology and Environmental Sciences
外文关键词:structure of community;;CO2 concentration;;δ13C;;source;;reduction rate
摘要:不同群落结构绿地系统中大气CO_2的空间分布特征和来源解析是优化植物配置模式、评价绿地生态效益的重要依据。本文以北京市园林科学研究院("乔-灌-草"结构)和四得公园绿地(单一乔木结构)距离北京市四环路0、30、60、90和120 m处大气CO_2为研究对象,测定其浓度和δ13C值,并利用Keeling plot方程结合Iso Source软件对CO_2来源进行定量估算,以期获得不同群落对机动车排放CO_2的消减作用的差异。结果表明,城市绿地系统CO_2浓度和CO_2增量中机动车尾气贡献率随与道路距离的增加呈明显下降趋势,"乔-灌-草"结构和单一乔木结构绿地中距离道路120 m处CO_2摩尔分数分别为403.36和423.57μmol·mol^(-1),分别较路旁降低7.42%和4.32%,其中外源CO_2中机动车尾气的贡献率分别降低33.9%和22.5%,土壤呼吸贡献率分别升高12.1%和7.6%,植物呼吸贡献率分别升高21.8%和14.9%。"乔-灌-草"结构较单一乔木结构对CO_2浓度和机动车尾气CO_2贡献率的削减作用更明显,且最大削减率的位置更靠近绿地边缘。在城市系统中临近道路的边缘位置配植"乔-灌-草"结构的绿地能有效削减道路上机动车排放的CO_2。
Spatial distribution and source analysis of CO2 between different structure communities are important foundations to optimize plant arrangement and evaluate ecological benefit in green space system. This study measured CO2 concentration and13C at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 meters from Fourth Ring Road to Beijing Institute of Landscape Architecture and Side Park, which had a tree-shrub-grass multi-structure and a tree single-structure community, respectively. The objective of this study was to obtain the reduction effect of CO2 of different community structures based on estimation of CO2sources using Keeling plot method and IsoSource software. The results indicated that both CO2 concentration and contribution fraction of vehicle exhaust in CO2 decreased obviously with the increment of distance from Forth Ring Road. CO2 concentrations at 120 meters away from road were 403.36 and 423.57μmol·mol-1 in the tree-shrub-grass multi-structure community and the tree single-structure community, respectively, decreasing 7.42% and 4.32% compared to that at road in these two communities. Compared the contribution fractions of different sources in exogenous CO2 at Beijing Institute of Landscape Architecture and Side Park, the contribution of vehicle exhaust decreased by 33.9% and 22.5%, while soil respiration increased by 12.1% and 7.6% and plant respiration increased by 21.8% and 14.9%, respectively. This result indicated that tree-shrub-grass multi-structure community had greater effect on the reduction of CO2 concentration and the contribution rate of vehicle exhaust than that of tree single-structure community. This study also revealed that the position of greatest CO2 concentration reduction was close to the edge of multi-structure community. This research work indicated that constructing the tree-shrub-grass multi-structure community adjacent to road can effectively reduce the CO2 from vehicle exhaust in urban ecosystem.