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青海湖鸻鹬类群落特征和时空分布     被引量:1

Spatiotemporal Distribution and Community Characteristics of Shorebirds at Qinghai Lake, China



英文题名:Spatiotemporal Distribution and Community Characteristics of Shorebirds at Qinghai Lake, China

作者:李淑红[1] 张国钢[1] 刘冬平[1] 侯韵秋[1] 江红星[1] 陆军[1]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Zoology





外文关键词:Shorebirds; Diversity; Spatiotemporal distribution; Qinghai Lake


摘要:于2006年至2009年间对环青海湖鹆鹬类的群落特征和时空分布进行了资源调查,以期对青海湖保护管理提供科学依据。根据青海湖的地形、植被和水系分布以及水鸟聚集特点,环青海湖选择了15个调查地点,采用直接计数法进行了14次调查,并应用Shannon-wiener指数进行了多样性分析。共记录到鹆鹬类4科28种。数量上红脚鹬(Tringa totanus)、环颈鹆(Charadrius alexandrinus)和黑尾塍鹬(Limosa limosa)是当地的主要物种,分别占鹆鹬类调查总数的33.3%、22.0%和16.2%。分布上环颈鹆最为广泛,在各调查地点均有发现,其次为红脚鹬、黑尾塍鹬和青脚滨鹬(Calidris temminckii),分布地点达10处以上。黑马河和布哈河口多样性较高,这与其适宜的河漫滩和沼泽等栖息环境以及丰富的食物有关。季节上8~10月多样性较高,其次是4~5月。青海湖鹆鹬类的数量高峰依次为10月、8月和5月,物种数高峰为8月和4月,并且秋季物种数高于春季。主要物种红脚鹬和环颈鹆的迁徙动态较为一致,均是8月份达到全年数量最高值,次高峰为5月和10月;黑尾塍鹬的数量在10月份达到全年最高峰。青海湖鹆鹬类迁徙时间与渤海湾较为一致,这可能与历史上长期形成的迁徙模式有关。鄱阳湖和洞庭湖的鹆鹬类主要物种与青海湖比较接近,但数量远远多于青海湖。近年来,游客和游船等人为活动的增加导致青海湖产生局部污染,因此应重视环青海湖生态环境的保护管理,减少对鹆鹬类等水鸟栖息地的人为干扰。
The community characteristics and spatiotemporal distribution of shorebirds at Qinghai Lake were examined between 2006 and 2009 to establish baseline information for shorebird conservation and management. Fifteen sites were chosen to make observation based on the distributions of vegetation types,the river stream, and avian clustering at Qinghai Lake (Fig. 1). Fourteen surveys were performed using direct counts, and species diversity was calculated using the Shannon-Wiener Index. In total, 28 species belonging to 4 families were recorded (Appendix). The primary species quantitatively were the common redshank ( Tringa tetanus), Kentish plover ( Charadrius alexandrinus) and black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa), which accounted for 33.3%, 22.0% and 16.2% of the observed shorebirds, respectively. Kentish plover were the most widely distributed and were found in every observation site. Common redshank, black-tailed godwit and Temminck's stint (Calidris temminckii) were each observed at 10 or more sites (Appendix). Diversity was highest at Heimahe and Buhahekou, where there was greater habitat suitability (flood land and marsh) and food richness. Diversity was higher between August and October than that between April and May (Table 1). The peak number of shorebirds migrating in Qinghai Lake was observed in October, followed by August and then May; the peak number of species occurred in August, followed by April (Fig. 2). The annual peak numbers of common redshank and Kentish plover were all in August, with smaller peaks in May and October. Black-tailed godwit was most abundant in October (Fig. 3). The timing of migration in Qinghai Lake was similar to that of Bohai Bay, which may be related to the long history of migration in the region. The primary species observed at Poyang Lake and Dongting Lake were similar to those at Qinghai Lake, but the numbers were much higher. The increase of human entertainment, such as tourists, sightseeing boats, and other human activities have resulted in eutrophication on the coasts of Luci Island and Tiebuqiahekou, in which is unsuitable for shorebird in recent years. These results suggest that environmental conservation and management should focus on reducing human disturbance at Qinghai Lake.



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