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目标树抚育间伐对蒙古栎天然次生林生长的初期影响  ( EI收录)  

Early Effects of Crop Tree Release Tending on Growth of Natural Secondary Quercus mongolica Forest



英文题名:Early Effects of Crop Tree Release Tending on Growth of Natural Secondary Quercus mongolica Forest

作者:张晓红[1] 张会儒[1] 卢军[1] 雷相东[1]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:crop tree release thinning;natural secondary forest;Quercus mongolica;free space to growth


摘要:【目的】探讨目标树抚育间伐对蒙古栎天然次生林林分和单木生长的影响,为更加合理地开展森林经营活动、促进天然次生林恢复和可持续经营提供科学依据。【方法】2013年8月,在吉林省汪清林业局塔子沟林场选择立地条件和生长情况基本一致的蒙古栎天然次生林,设置16块面积0.09 hm2(30 m×30 m)的样地开展目标树抚育间伐试验,根据间伐强度设计弱度(5%)、轻度(10%)、中度(20%)和对照4种处理,每种处理4次重复。基于2016年复测数据,比较分析不同抚育间伐强度对林分和单木生长的初期影响。【结果】经目标树抚育间伐3年后,间伐样地的林分断面积和蓄积定期生长率均显著高于对照样地,不同间伐强度间无显著差异;间伐样地的单木胸径和材积定期生长率均显著高于对照样地,且随间伐强度增加而增大,中度抚育间伐下蒙古栎和红松的单木胸径定期生长率分别是对照的1.51和1.67倍;抚育间伐可显著促进幼树、小树、中龄树的单木胸径和材积生长,对大径木无显著影响;目标树单木胸径和材积定期生长量均显著大于对照,且目标树胸径定期生长量是非目标树的1.28~1.32倍,目标树材积定期生长量是非目标树的2.13~2.69倍;随着目标树自由生长空间增加,目标树胸径和材积定期生长量增大。【结论】基于单株目标树的抚育间伐不仅可促进林分断面积和蓄积生长、降低枯损木平均胸径、增加进界木株数,而且能显著提高单木胸径和材积生长,特别是单株目标树生长。影响单株目标树生长的决定因素是目标树的自由生长空间。在蒙古栎次生林中选择蒙古栎、紫椴、水曲柳作为目标树时,适合开展4个方向的完整树冠释放活动,而选择林下红松作为目标树时,适合开展2~3个方向的不完整树冠释放活动。
【Objective】Effects of crop tree tending and thinning on growth of forest stand and single tree for typical natural secondary forest Quercus mongolica in Changbai Mountain was discussed,in order to provide a basis for reasonable forest management activities and to promote the restoration and sustainable management for natural secondary forests.【Method】16 plots of 0.09 hm2(30 m×30 m)were set up in the Wangqing Forestry Bureau of Jilin Province in August 2013,to carry out crop tree release and thinning test.According to the thinning intensity,4 levels of treatments had been set:weak(5%),mild(10%),moderate(20%)and control,each treatment had 4 replicates.Using remeasurement data in 2016,the early effects of different tending thinning intensities on the growth of stand were comparatively analyzed.【Result】After 3 years of thinning treatment,the growth rate and accumulation rate of forest stand in thinning plots were significantly higher than those in control plots.There was no significant difference in three thinning intensities.DBH growth rate and volume growth rate of single tree in thinning plots were significant higher than those in control plots,which were increased with the increase of thinning intensity.The DBH growth rate of Quercus mongolica and Pinus koraiensis under moderate thinning was 1.51 and 1.67 times that of the control,respectively.The DBH growth rate and volume growth rate of seedlings,small-size trees and middle-size trees were significantly promoted by crop tree tending and thinning,and there was no significant difference for large-diameter trees between thinning and control.Regarding the crop trees,the DBH growth and volume growth rate were significantly bigger than those of control.The DBH growth of crop trees was 1.28-1.32 times of that of non-crop trees,while the volume growth was 2.13-2.69 times of that of non-crop trees.As the free growth space of crop tree increased,the DBH and volume growth of the crop trees were also increased.【Conclusion】Thinning based on single crop tree could not only promote the growth of basal area and volume for forest stand,reduce the average DBH of damaged trees,increase the number of recruitment trees,but also significantly increase the growth of DBH and volume of single tree,especially the crop trees.The decisive factor affecting the growth of crop tree might be the free growth space.When Quercus mongolica,Tilla amurensis,and Fraxinus mandshurica were selected as crop trees,it would be suitable for the complete canopy release activity from four directions.When the Pinus koraiensis was selected as crop tree,it would be suitable for the incomplete canopy release activity from 2-3 directions.



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