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细根对竹林-阔叶林界面两侧土壤养分异质性形成的贡献     被引量:21

Contribution of fine root to soil nutrient heterogeneity at two sides of the bamboo and broad-leaved forest interface



英文题名:Contribution of fine root to soil nutrient heterogeneity at two sides of the bamboo and broad-leaved forest interface

作者:刘骏[1] 杨清培[1] 余定坤[1] 宋庆妮[1] 赵广东[2] 王兵[2]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology





外文关键词:bamboo and broad-leaved forest interface, fine root turnover, nutrient return, Phyllostachys pubescens, soil nutrient heterogeneity


摘要:土壤养分异质性是竹林-阔叶林界面(bamboo and broad-leaved forest interface,以下简称竹阔界面)的重要特征,细根生长、周转和分解影响土壤养分供应能力,但其在竹阔界面养分异质性形成中的贡献尚不清楚。该文选取竹阔界面两侧的毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)林和常绿阔叶林为研究对象,开展土壤养分(C、N、P)含量、细根生物量及周转、细根分解及养分回归等指标的对比研究。结果表明:(1)竹阔界面两侧毛竹林和常绿阔叶林土壤养分差异明显,毛竹林0-60cm土壤有机碳(SOC)和土壤总氮(STN)含量分别为20.51和0.53g·kg-1,常绿阔叶林0-60cm土壤有机碳(SOC)和土壤总氮(STN)含量分别为13.42和0.26g·kg-1,前者比后者分别高出34.53%和50.35%,但毛竹林土壤全磷(STP)含量低于常绿阔叶林25.54%;(2)竹阔界面两侧细根生物量、养分密度及养分回归量差异明显,毛竹林细根生物量高达1201.60g·m-2,是常绿阔叶林的5.86倍;养分密度分别为591.42g C·m-2、5.44g N·m-2、0.25g P·m-2,分别是常绿阔叶林的6.12倍、3.77倍和3.11倍;年均养分回归量分别为278.54g C·m-2·a-1、2.36g N·m-2·a-1、0.11g P·m-2·a-1,是常绿阔叶林的6.93倍、4.29倍和3.67倍;(3)细根对界面两侧土壤SOC、STN异质性形成的年均潜在贡献分别为76.79%和28.33%,但对STP异质性形成起减缓作用,贡献率为6.17%。这些结果说明毛竹扩张可以改变常绿阔叶林土壤的养分状况,且细根对不同养分的异质性形成贡献不一致,是土壤SOC、STN异质性形成的重要原因。
Aims The encroachment of Phyllostachys pubescens into woodland was commonly thought to lead to a change in the amount of nutrient stored in the ecosystems. Our objective was to investigate the soil nutrients of soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (STN) and total phosphorous (STP) heterogeneity at two sides of the bamboo and broad-leaved forest interface (BBLFI), i.e., P. pubescens forest (PPF) - evergreen broad-leaved forest (EBF) transition, and to quantify the contribution of fine roots to the accumulative difference in soil nutrients. Methods We selected typical BBLFI plots straddling PPF and EBF in natural areas around the Dagangshan Forest Ecosystem Research Station, State Forestry Administration. We investigated the distribution and dynamics of soil nutrients, fine root biomass, annual production and decomposition rate in 2010-2011 by means of sequential coring and ingrowth into cores We calculated the fine roots C, N and P stocks, SOC, STN and STP pools and the contribution of fine roots to soil nutrient heterogeneity at two sides of BBLFI. Important findings There was a significant soil nutrient difference between the two sides of BBLFI. The SOC and STN contents in PPF were 20.51 and 0.53 g-kg^-1, respectively, which were higher than in EBF by 34.53% and 50.35%, respectively, but the STP was 25.54% lower. Fine root biomass, nutrient stock and amount of return to soil between two sides of BBLFI were also obviously different. PPF root biomass was 1 201.60 g.m^-2, which is 5.86 times as much as EBF. Nutrient stock was 591.42 g C.m^-2, 5.44 g N.m^-2 and 0.25 g P.m^-2, which were 6.12, 3.77 and 3.11 times higher than EBF. The amount of return nutrient was 278.54 g C-rn-2.a^-1, 2.36 g N.m^-2.a^-1 and 0.11 g P.m^-2.a^-1, which were 6.93, 4.29 and 3.67 times higher than EBF, respectively. The fine roots of the two sides decomposed at almost the same rate. The annual contribution of fine roots to the soil nutrient heterogeneity was 76.79% for SOC and 28.33% for STN, but P returned from dead fine root slowed the progression of forming STP heterogeneity by 6.17% annually. These findings indicated that bamboo encroachment had changed the EBF soil nutrients, leading to a significant accumulative soil nutrient heterogeneity at two sides of BBLFI, and fine roots played an important role in forming this heterogeneity for SOC and STN.



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