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Response of foliar carbon and nitrogen nutrition of female Taxus chinensis var.mairei to spraying plant growth regulators



英文题名:Response of foliar carbon and nitrogen nutrition of female Taxus chinensis var.mairei to spraying plant growth regulators

作者:袁雅琪[1] 王丽云[1] 袁小军[1] 卢园生[1] 钟秋平[1] 厉月桥[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology





外文关键词:T.chinensis var.Mairei;plant growth regulators;soluble sugar;starch;soluble protein;C/N ratio;


摘要:【目的】研究不同生长调节剂对南方红豆杉雌株叶片碳氮营养的影响,旨在明晰其生殖生长调控机制,为研发促花促果技术提供依据。【方法】以13年生南方红豆杉雌株为研究对象,2018年7月下旬开始每隔半个月连续3次叶面喷施系列浓度的多效唑(PP333)、矮壮素(CCC)和复硝酚钠(CSN),于8—9月定期测定叶片内的碳氮营养物质含量变化,揭示生长调节剂对南方红豆杉生殖生长的调控作用。【结果】叶面喷施生长调节剂不同程度地提高了叶片中的淀粉含量和碳氮比值,使之随着时间的推移呈现先降后升的趋势;减缓了叶片中可溶性糖随时间变化的幅度,总体表现为先升后降;对可溶性蛋白的影响较小,总体趋势较平稳。叶面分别喷施1 500 mg·L^(-1) PP333(P3)、450 mg·L^(-1) CCC(C3)和2 000 mg·L^(-1) CSN(S1)均显著增加了8月下旬叶片中可溶性糖含量,分别比对照提升了56.42%、14.01%和23.75%;且促进了8—9月的淀粉含量和碳氮比值,其中P3处理的淀粉含量在8月上旬、9月上旬和下旬较对照分别增加了46.86%、48.71%和25.18%,C/N相应地增加了57.03%、48.42%和30.19%;C3处理的淀粉含量在8月上旬和9月上旬增加了13.65%和26.26%,C/N则在9月上旬增加19.37%;S1处理的淀粉含量在4次采样中增加了28.75%~59.57%,C/N提升了36.22%~60.03%,且均达显著水平(P <0.05)。【结论】叶面喷施生长调节剂处理不同程度地改变了南方红豆杉叶片中碳氮的含量和比值,喷施1 500 mg·L^(-1) PP333、450 mg·L^(-1) CCC和2 000 mg·L^(-1) CSN增加了8月下旬叶片中可溶性糖含量以及8月、9月整个时期的淀粉含量和碳氮比值。
【Objective】The present study aims to reveal the effects of different growth regulators on foliar carbon and nitrogen contents of female Taxus chinensis var.mairei trees,to clarify the mechanism of reproductive growth regulation,and thus to provide the basis for developing flower and fruit promotion technology.【Method】Female 13-year-old T.chinensis var.mairei trees were sprayed with different concentrations of PP333,CCC and CSN for three consecutive times,dynamic changes of foliar carbon and nitrogen contents were measured from August to September so as to estimate the regulation of growth regulators on reproductive growth.【Result】Spraying growth regulators on leaves increased the foliar starch content and C/N ratio in different degrees,which first decreased and then increased overtime;slowed down the change of soluble sugar with time,which first increased and then decreased;the effect on soluble protein was small and the overall trend was stable.Spraying 1500 mg·L-1 PP333(P3),450 mg·L-1 CCC(C3)and 2000 mg·L-1 CSN(S1)on the leaves significantly increased the content of soluble sugar in the leaves in late August,which were 56.42%,14.01%and 23.75%higher than the control,respectively,and promoted the starch content and C/N ratio from August to September.Among them,the starch content of P3 increased by 46.86%,48.71%and 25.18%,the C/N ratio increased by 57.03%,48.42%and 30.19%,respectively.In early August,early September and late September;the starch content of C3 increased by 13.65%and 26.26%in early August and early September,and the C/N ratio increased by 19.37%in early September;the starch content of S1 increased by 28.75%-59.57%and the C/N ratio increased by 36.22%-60.03%at four times of sampling(P<0.05).【Conclusion】Spraying growth regulators could regulate content and ratio of carbon and nitrogen in the leaves of T.chinensis var.mairei,and treatments of 1500 mg·L-1 PP333,450 mg·L-1 CCC and 2000 mg·L-1 CSN increased soluble sugar content in late August,starch content and C/N ratio in the whole period of August and September.



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