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攸县油茶无性系果实性状与茶油品质的综合评价     被引量:18

Comprehensive evaluation of fruit traits and camellia oil quality of Camellia yuhsienensis clones



英文题名:Comprehensive evaluation of fruit traits and camellia oil quality of Camellia yuhsienensis clones

作者:邹玉玲[1,2] 钟秋平[1] 曹林青[1] 万细瑞[1] 袁雅琪[1] 陈珍明[3] 吴喜昌[4] 郭和平[4]








外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology





外文关键词:Cemllia yuhsienensis;clones;fruit traits;Camellia oil quality;evaluation


摘要:【目的】研究13个攸县油茶无性系果实性状和茶油品质,为攸县油茶品种选育和开发利用提供科学依据。【方法】采用聚类分析、主成分分析和灰色关联度分析等方法对13个攸县油茶无性系果实性状和茶油品质进行分析与评价。【结果】攸县油茶无性系果实性状和茶油品质都具有较大差异,果实性状变异系数在5.85%~29.26%之间,其中较大的有百粒重29.86%、单果质量27.98%、单果籽粒数19.18%等,茶油品质变异系数在2.26%~80.99%,其中较大的有过氧化值80.99%、α-维生素E 40.09%、棕榈烯酸34.31%等。聚类分析将13个攸县油茶无性系划分为3个类群,其中类群I的微量营养元素含量较高,类群Ⅱ的果实性状较好,类群Ⅲ的果皮薄、籽粒数少,可根据不同类群的特点进行开发利用。在25个性状中提取出4个主成分,累计贡献率为84.17%,在主成分提取中占主要地位的指标为:单果质量、果实横径、果形指数、百粒重、鲜出籽率、干出仁率、种仁含油率、亚油酸、硬脂酸、角鲨烯和酸价,利用这11个指标对攸县油茶无性系进行灰色关联度分析,结果表明B8的综合表现最好,可作为进一步良种选育的材料。【结论】探明了13个攸县油茶无性系果实和茶油品质的特性,发现了B8和B9具有优良的果实性状,是大果、高产的无性系,B2和B12的微量营养元素含量最高,可作为微量营养元素类产品开发。研究结果可为攸县油茶无性系的开发和利用提供依据,为攸县油茶品种选育和遗传改良提供参考。
【Objective】To provide references for breeding and development of 13 Camellia yuhsienensis clones by analyzing the fruit traits and Camellia oil quality.【Method】Principal component analysis, grey correlation analysis, cluster analysis and other methods were used to analyze and evaluate the fruit traits and camellia oil quality of 13 C. yuhsienensis clones.【Result】The fruit traits and Camellia oil quality of the C. yuhsienensis clones have rich variation. The variation coefficient of fruit traits was between 5.85% and 29.26%, among them larger values were of 100-grain weight(29.86%), single fruit mass(27.98%), and single fruit kernels(19.18%), respectively. The variation coefficient of camellia oil quality was between 2.26% and 80.99%, among them largervalues were of peroxide value(80.99%),α-vitamin E(40.09%) and palmitoleic acid(34.31%), respectively. Cluster analysis divided the 13 C. yuhsienensis clones into 3 groups.Among them, Group I has a higher content of micronutrient elements, group Ⅱ has better fruit characteristics, and group Ⅲ has thin peel and few grains. Which can be developed and utilized according to the characteristics of different groups. 4 principal components were drawn from 25 mian characteristics, the cumulative contribution rate was 84.17% from 1 st to 4 th principal component;The contribution of the major characteristics were single fruit mass, fruit horizontal diameter, fruit shape index, 100-seed weight, seed rate, seed kernel content,oil content, linoleic acid, stearic acid, Squalene and acid value. Using these 11 indicators to analyzed the gray correlation degree of C.yuhsienensis clones, the results showed that B8 has the best comprehensive performance and can be used as a material for further breeding.【Conclusion】This study has explored the fruit characteristics and Camellia oil quality of 13 C. yuhsienensis clones, and found that B8 and B9 have excellent fruit characteristics, which can be paid attention to as large-fruited, high-yielding clones;B2 and B12 have the highest content of micronutrient elements,which can be developed as a micronutrient product. The results of this study can provide a basis for the utilization and innovation of it, and provide a reference for the breeding and genetic improvement of it varieties.



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