细菌肥料Agr、PfPt和Mic对曼地亚红豆杉幼苗生长和次生代谢物含量的影响 被引量:2
Effect of bacterial fertilizer Agr,PfPt and Mic on growth and secondary metabolites content in Taxus media seedling
英文题名:Effect of bacterial fertilizer Agr,PfPt and Mic on growth and secondary metabolites content in Taxus media seedling
作者:邵国栋[1] 艾娟娟[1] 孙启武[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of Plant Resources and Environment
外文关键词:bacterial fertilizer; Taxus media Rehder; growth; secondary metabolites; taxol
摘要:运用单因素随机区组设计,在田间栽培条件下,对曼地亚红豆杉(Taxus media Rehder)1年生幼苗施用3种细菌肥料〔放射性土壤杆菌肥料(Agr)、荧光假单胞菌肥料(PfPt)和微球菌肥料(Mic),浓度为2×10~7CFU·m L^(-1),施肥2次〕,对翌年生长期幼苗株高和冠幅的增长量变化以及枝叶中4种次生代谢物〔紫杉醇、三尖杉宁碱、10-去乙酰紫杉醇和10-去乙酰基巴卡亭Ⅲ(10-DABⅢ)〕含量进行比较分析。结果表明:施用Agr、Mic和PfPt后的翌年11月份,曼地亚红豆杉幼苗株高和冠幅的增长量均大于CK(不施肥,对照)组,其中,施用PfPt后幼苗株高增长量最大,且显著高于CK组(P<0.05);施用Mic后幼苗的冠幅增长量最大,但与CK组间无显著差异(P>0.05)。施用Agr、Mic和PfPt后枝叶中紫杉醇、三尖杉宁碱和10-DABⅢ含量均显著高于CK组,其中,施用Mic后紫杉醇含量最高,施用PfPt后三尖杉宁碱和10-DABⅢ含量最高,且总体上显著高于其他处理组;施用Mic后10-去乙酰紫杉醇含量最高,且显著高于CK组及其他处理组,而施用Agr和PfPt后10-去乙酰紫杉醇含量与CK组无显著差异。研究结果显示:施用Agr、Mic和PfPt均对曼地亚红豆杉幼苗生长以及枝叶中次生代谢物积累有一定的促进作用,但不同细菌肥料的促进效应存在差异,因此,在曼地亚红豆杉的栽培过程中应根据不同需求选择适宜的细菌肥料。
Using single factor randomized block design and applying three kinds of bacterial fertilizers〔Agrobacterium radiobacter fertilizer( Agr),Pseudomonas fluorescence fertilizer( PfPt) and Micrococcus fertilizer( Mic) with concentration of 2 × 107 CFU · m L-1,and fertilizing two times〕on one-year-old seedling of Taxus media Rehder under field cultivation condition,changes in increments of height and crown width of seedling in growth period of next year and contents of four secondary metabolites〔including taxol,cephalomannine,10-deacetyl taxol and 10-deacetyl baccatin Ⅲ( 10-DAB Ⅲ) 〕in branch and leaf were compared and analyzed. The results show that in November of next year after applied Agr,Mic and PfPt,increments of height and crown width of T. media seedling is higher than those of CK( no fertilizing,the control) group,in which,after applied PfPt,increment of height is the largest,and is significantly higher than that of CK group( P < 0. 05); after applied Mic,increment of crown width is the largest,but there is no significant difference with that of CK group( P > 0. 05). After applied Agr,Mic and PfPt,contents of taxol,cephalomannine and 10-DAB Ⅲ in branch and leaf all are significantly higher than those of CK group,in which,content of taxol is the highest after applied Mic,contents of cephalomannine and 10-DAB Ⅲ are the highest after applied PfPt,and those are generallysignificantly higher than those of other treatment groups; after applied Mic,content of 10-deacetyl taxol is the highest,and is significantly higher than that of CK group and other treatment groups,while after applied Agr and PfP t,there is no significant difference in content of 10-deacetyl taxol with that of CK group. It is suggested that applying Agr,Mic and PfP t have a certain promotion effect on seedling growth and accumulation of secondary metabolites in branch and leaf of T. media,while there is difference in promotion effect among different bacterial fertilizers. Therefore,appropriate bacterial fertilizer should be selected for different requirements during cultivation process of T. media.