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喀斯特石漠化锑矿区植物群落主要物种生态位特征及其种间联结     被引量:6

Niche characteristics and interspecific association of main plant species in antimony mining sites of karst rocky desertification area,Guizhou,China



英文题名:Niche characteristics and interspecific association of main plant species in antimony mining sites of karst rocky desertification area,Guizhou,China

作者:杜忠毓[1,2] 邢文黎[1] 薛亮[1] 肖江[1] 陈光才[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:karst;antimony mining ecology damaged area;importance value;niche;interspecific association


摘要:锑矿的开采等活动剥离了喀斯特石漠化区的地上植被,导致该区群落物种组成与结构被破坏、生态系统受损或功能丧失。为了解锑矿开采后生态破坏区优势物种亮叶桦(Betula luminifera)群落特征及演替状态,并为复层植被重建的物种选择提供理论依据。基于贵州晴隆大厂镇锑矿生态破坏区调查数据,分析了该区优势物种的Levins生态位宽度和Pianka生态位重叠度,并运用卡方检验(χ^(2))、Ochiai指数(OI)和Pearson相关性计算了群落优势物种种间联结性。结果表明:(1)石漠化锑矿生态破坏区物种组成远低于未破坏区(30科53属68种),仅为14科18属22种,乔木层物种仅为亮叶桦,灌木层物种重要值由高到低依次为密蒙花(Buddleja officinalis)、茅莓(Rubus parvifolius)和水麻(Boehmeria penduliflora)等,草本层物种重要值由高到低依次为芒(Miscanthus sinensis)、头花蓼(Polygonum capitatum)、破坏草(Ageratina adenophora)、艾草(Artemisia argyi)和鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)等。(2)锑矿生态破坏区灌草层和未破坏区乔灌草层的物种重要值与生态位宽度呈极显著正相关,但不同物种的生态位宽度不同,这是物种生物学属性不同所致;锑矿生态破坏区除水麻与插田泡(Rubus coreanus)的生态位重叠值为1外,其他物种间的生态位重叠程度较低。(3)石漠化锑矿生态破坏区灌木层总体呈显著负联结,种对间负联结数占比较高(5对);草本层总体联结性不显著,但种对间负联结数有15对,其中艾草与芒、艾草与白三叶(Trifolium repens)、芒与破坏草种对间联结程度较高,表明植被群落处于演替前期,极不稳定且易受破坏。未破坏区乔木层和灌木层总体联结性不显著,草本层总体为显著正联结,表明未破坏区植被群落相对稳定。(4)石漠化锑矿生态破坏区植被恢复应选择生态习性相近、重叠程度较小、种间为正联结的物种,例如乔本层的亮叶桦和山苍子(Litsea cubeba)等,灌木层的密蒙花和茅莓等,草本层的艾草、蕨(Pteridium aquilinum)、芒和马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)等,以达到乔灌草配置具有高稳定性植物群落的效果。锑矿生态破坏区物种组成较少,植物群落结构不稳定,处于演替早期;未来喀斯特石漠化锑矿生态破坏区植物群落仍需要很长一段时间演替才能达到未破坏区植物群落状态,适宜的乡土植物和合理的配置模式有助于加快植被恢复进程。
The plant community was damaged or stripped by antimony(Sb)mining activities in the karst rocky desertification of Guizhou,China,which destroyed the species composition and structure of the community,damaged the function of this ecosystem.This study aims to well understand the actual vegetation,community characteristics and succession stage of the community with dominant species Betula luminifera in the Sb mining area,and provide the theoretical basis for revegetation and ecological rehabilitation.After the field investigation dataset of the ecological damaged area by Sb mining and control areas,the Levins's and Pianka's method were applied to evaluate the niche width of species,the interspecific niche overlap,and the interspecific associations were assessed by the chi-square test(χ^(2)),Ochiai index(OI)and Pearson correlation.The results show that(1)there is only 14 families,18 genera and 22 species in the ecological damaged area by Sb mining,which is lower than that of the undamaged area of control,with 30 families,53 genera and 68 species.The only tree species is Betula luminifera,the shrubs layer species with top three importance values(IV)are Buddleja officinalis,Rubus parvifolius,Boehmeria penduliflora,and the herb layer with top five IV are Miscanthus sinensis,Polygonum capitatum,Ageratina Adenophora,Artemisia argyi and Bidens Pilosa in the ecological damaged area by Sb mining.(2)There are significantly positive between IV and niche width of species in the shrub-herb layer of Sb mining area and the layer of control area,while the niche width of different species shows inconsistence,which may be ascribed to the specific biological properties of the different species.Except for the niche overlap between Rubus coreanus and B.penduliflora is 1 in the Sb mining area,the niche overlap of others interspecies are low.(3)The main species of shrub layer in Sb mining area of karst rocky desertification has a significantly negative association,and the species pairs of negative associations are relatively high(5 pairs).The main species of herb layer of Sb mining area has no significant association,while high association values are observed between A.argyi and M.sinensis,A.argyi and Trifolium repens,T.repens and Ageratina Adenophora.It suggested the community at the early succession with extremely unstable stage.In the control area,the main species of tree and shrub layer show no significant associations,the main species of herb layer indicates the significantly positive association,indicating that the community is at relatively stable stage.(4)The results suggest that ideal plant candidates are the species with similar ecological habits,low niche overlap,and positive interspecific association for the purpose of Sb mining area revegetation,such as B.luminifera,Litsea cubeba,B.officinalis,R.parvifolius,A.argyi,Pteridium aquilinum,M.sinensis and Digitaria sanguinalis.It will help to construct the plant community with high stability of multiple stratified of trees,shrubs and herbs.Taken together,the plant community in Sb mining area characterized with low species composition,and unstable plant community,and an early stage of succession.It will take a long time for rebuilding the stable plant community in the Sb mining area,and the suitable native plant application and vegetation arrangement during the ecological rehabilitation help to facilitate the revegetation and sucession.



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