Difference in water use sources of Eucalyptus urophylla×E.grandis plantation in the Leizhou Peninsula during dry and rainy seasons
英文题名:Difference in water use sources of Eucalyptus urophylla×E.grandis plantation in the Leizhou Peninsula during dry and rainy seasons
作者:王志超[1] 许宇星[1] 竹万宽[1] 杜阿朋[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of Zhejiang A&F University
外文关键词:stable isotope;water use source;MixSIAR model;dry and rainy seasons;Eucalyptus urophylla×E.grandis
摘要:【目的】探讨桉树人工林适应季节性干旱的水分利用来源策略,为桉树产业的可持续经营管理和水资源高效利用提供数据支持。【方法】以雷州半岛分布面积最大的尾巨桉Eucalyptus urophylla×E.grandis为研究对象,通过测定旱雨季典型月份尾巨桉木质部水、各土层土壤水和地下水的氢稳定同位素值(δD)和氧稳定同位素值(δ^(18)O),并利用贝叶斯混合模型(MixSIAR)量化尾巨桉旱雨季对各土层土壤水或地下水的利用比例,深入探讨了尾巨桉旱雨季水分利用来源的差异。【结果】当地大气降水存在明显的蒸发富集现象,且其δ^(18)O呈明显的雨季偏负,旱季偏正的季节变化规律;各月土壤含水量均随深度的加深而增加最后趋于稳定,旱季土壤含水量显著(P<0.05)小于雨季,且越接近地表差异越大。尾巨桉在雨季主要利用0~40和40~100 cm土层的土壤水,利用比例分别为28.0%和24.3%,而旱季主要利用150~200 cm土层的土壤水和地下水,利用比例分别为29.9%和22.6%。旱季大量降水后,土壤水分尤其是浅层土壤水得到大量补充,尾巨桉对0~40和40~100 cm土层土壤水的利用比例分别提高了111.4%和10.3%,对100~150、150~200 cm土层土壤水和地下水的利用比例分别降低了3.1%、40.1%和15.9%。【结论】尾巨桉面对环境可利用水资源的变化,具有灵活多变的水分利用来源策略,这表明尾巨桉对季节性干旱具有较强的适应能力。图5表1参44。
[Objective]The objective is to explore the water use strategies of eucalyptus plantations to adapt to seasonal drought,so as to provide data support for assessing the impact of future rainfall patterns on eucalyptus industry and accurately guiding the sustainable management of eucalyptus industry and efficient use of water resources.[Method]Eucalyptus urophylla×E.grandis,the most widespread eucalyptus species in the Leizhou Peninsula,was taken as the research object.The differences in water use sources during dry and rainy seasons were discussed in depth by measuring theδD andδ^(18)O values of xylem water,soil water in each soil layer and groundwater during typical dry and rainy seasons,and the MixSIAR model was used to quantify the utilization proportion of soil water and groundwater in each soil layer by E.urophylla×E.grandis in dry and rainy seasons.[Result]There was an obvious evaporative enrichment in local atmospheric precipitation,and theδ^(18)O value showed a clear seasonal pattern of negative in rainy season and positive in dry season.Soil moisture content in each month increased with the depth and eventually became stable.Soil moisture content was significantly lower in dry season than in rainy season(P<0.05),and the difference was even greater close to the surface.E.urophylla×E.grandis mainly used 0?40 and 40?100 cm soil water in rainy season,with the utilization ratio of 28.0%and 24.3%respectively.In dry season it mainly used 50?200 cm soil water and groundwater,with the utilization ratio of 29.9%and 22.6%respectively.After a large amount of precipitation in dry season,soil water,especially shallow soil water,was greatly replenished,and the proportion of surface soil water used by E.urophylla×E.grandis in the 0?40 and 40?100 cm layers increased by 111.4%and 10.3%respectively,while the utilization proportion of 100?150 and 150?200 cm soil water and groundwater decreased by 3.1%,40.1%and 15.9%,respectively.[Conclusion]E.urophylla×E.grandis has a flexible water use source strategy in the face of changes in environmental available water resources,indicating that it has strong adaptability to seasonal drought.[Ch,5 fig.1 tab.44 ref.]