东北天然次生林不同经营模式下土壤微生物碳源利用与功能多样性 ( EI收录) 被引量:3
Carbon Source Utilization and Functional Diversity of Soil Microbial Communities in Natural Secondary Forests with Different Management Regimes in Northeastern China
英文题名:Carbon Source Utilization and Functional Diversity of Soil Microbial Communities in Natural Secondary Forests with Different Management Regimes in Northeastern China
作者:范垚城[1] 覃林[1] 王雅菲[2] 邹慧[1] 谭玲[1] 何友均[2]
通信作者:He, Youjun
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:forest management regime; natural secondary forest; soil microbe; carbon source utilization; functional diversity
摘要:【目的】研究不同经营模式对东北天然次生林土壤微生物碳源利用与功能多样性的影响,为合理确定东北天然次生林的经营模式提供科学参考。【方法】以哈尔滨市丹青河林场的传统森林经营(FM1)、目标树森林经营(FM2)、调整育林法森林经营(FM3)和无干扰森林经营(FM4)4种经营模式的东北天然次生林为研究对象,在每个经营模式林分中设置3块(上、中、下坡各1块)50 m×50 m样地,并将每块样地划分为25个10 m×10 m样方,在每个样方中心采集0~20 cm土层样品,采用Biolog-Eco微平板法分析4种经营模式林地土壤微生物的碳源利用差异,并探讨土壤化学性质对土壤微生物碳源种类利用的影响,以及4种经营模式土壤微生物功能多样性的差异。【结果】FM1土壤微生物碳源利用最弱且与其他3种经营模式差异显著,FM4土壤微生物碳源利用最强,FM2和FM3 2种经营模式土壤微生物碳源利用处于FM1和FM4之间,且二者之间没有显著差异;土壤化学性质对不同经营模式林分土壤微生物的碳源利用有重要影响,其中碱解氮、速效钾、速效磷、有机碳和碳氮比是主要影响因子;4种经营模式林分土壤微生物功能多样性指数的分析结果表明,FM1土壤微生物功能多样性最小,FM2和FM3次之,FM4最大,这可能与4种经营模式不同的采伐抚育措施有关。【结论】从仅考虑土壤微生物碳源利用及功能多样性角度出发时,无干扰经营是东北天然次生林最佳的经营模式;但综合考虑森林经营的生态效益和经济效益以及林地的更新状况,调整育林法是东北天然次生林最优的经营模式。
【Objective 】 In order to provide a reasonable reference for the management regime of natural secondary forests,the carbon source utilization and functional diversity of soil microbial communities were investigated under different forest management regimes of natural secondary forests in northeastern China. 【Method】Four forests representing management regimes,traditional forest management( FM1),target tree-based forest management( FM2),conversion to mixed broadleaved-based forest management( FM3) and nonintervention forest management( FM4),were selected in Danqinghe Forestry Farm located in Harbin,Heilongjiang Province. Among them,the traditional forest management( FM1) puts more emphasis on obtaining the woods. Target tree-based forest management( FM2) is mainly based on the crop tree management,the weak interference and natural regeneration of the target trees. Conversion to mixed broadleavedbased forest management( FM3) is a management that new hardwoods are introduced into the original management regime while logging. The nonintervention forest management( FM4) is based on the natural growth without any disturbance.Under each forest management regime,we had 3 sampling plots. Each 50 m × 50 m plot was divided into 10 m × 10 m quadrats,generating a total of 25 quadrats. The topsoil( 0- 20 cm) was collected in each quadrate. Based on the Biolog-Eco method,we studied the different characteristics of carbon source utilization and functional diversity in the four forest management regimes,and further explored the effect of soil chemical properties on soil carbon source utilization types.【Result】The carbon source utilization of soil microbial communities in FM1 was significantly lower than those in other three regimes,and it was highest in FM4,while there was no significant difference in soil carbon source utilization between in FM2 and FM3. Soil chemical properties,especially available nitrogen( AN),available potassium( AK),available phosphorus( AP),soil organic carbon( SOC) and carbon-nitrogen ratio( C / N),had significant impact on the carbon source utilization of soil microbial communities. Soil microbial functional diversity,expressed as Simpson index( D),Shannon-Wiener index( H') and Mc Intosh index( U),had an order of FM4 FM2 and FM3 FM1,which might be related to the different tending and thinning treatments among the four natural secondary forests. 【Conclusion 】 The nonintervention forest management( FM4) may be the optimalnatural forest management regime in secondary forest in northeastern China,in term consideration of the utilization and the functional diversity of soil microbial carbon source.However,with comprehensive consideration of the ecological and economic benefits of forest management,as well as the natural regeneration of the tree species,the conversion to mixed broadleaved-based forest management( FM3) would be the best management regime for natural secondary forest in northeastern China.