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盐碱胁迫对平欧杂种榛生长及叶片内源激素含量的影响     被引量:13

Effects of Saline-alkali Stresses on the Growth and Endogenous Hormone Contents in Leaves of Hybrid Hazelnut Liaozhen 3



英文题名:Effects of Saline-alkali Stresses on the Growth and Endogenous Hormone Contents in Leaves of Hybrid Hazelnut Liaozhen 3

作者:张丽[1,2] 贾志国[2] 马庆华[1] 王贵禧[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Ping' ou hybrid hazelnut ; salt-alkali stress ; growth ; endogenous hormone


摘要:利用中性盐Na Cl、碱性盐Na2CO3及混合盐碱(Na Cl∶Na2CO3=1∶1)设置3种盐碱胁迫处理,研究平欧杂种榛"辽榛3号"在不同类型、不同浓度的盐碱胁迫下生长指标及内源激素的变化,分析各内源激素与生长指标的相关关系。结果表明:3种盐碱胁迫对平欧杂种榛株高、新梢长度及叶片数净生长量、地上部生物量、总生物量抑制作用明显,且Na Cl胁迫>混合盐碱胁迫>Na2CO3胁迫,而各处理根冠比显著增加;低浓度盐碱胁迫对地径有明显的增粗效应,在50、100 mmol·L-1Na2CO3胁迫下,地下部生物量显著增加;此外,Na Cl胁迫还显著降低了平欧杂种榛叶片含水量。3种胁迫条件下,平欧杂种榛叶片的ABA含量明显增加,且(GA+IAA+ZR)/ABA比值与对照相比均显著降低,同时发现Na2CO3胁迫下ABA积累更快,且与胁迫浓度无关,而Na Cl胁迫下ABA含量与胁迫浓度显著正相关。相关分析表明:(GA+IAA+ZR)/ABA比值与株高、新梢长度、新梢叶片数存在显著正相关,而与根冠比呈极显著的负相关。由上可知,平欧杂种榛在中性盐下的生长指标受抑制程度大于碱性盐和混合盐碱,不同盐碱胁迫下内源激素响应特征也存在差异,表明平欧杂种榛对Na2CO3的耐受力高于Na Cl。
Three types of salt-alkaline stress conditions were performed with NaC1 and Na2CO3 to study the changes of the growth indexes and endogenous hormone contents in leaves of Ping' ou hybrid hazelnut ( Corylus heterophylla x Corylus avellana, Liaozhen 3 ) under different saline-alkali stresses. The correlations between growth indexes and endogenous hormones were analyzed. The results showed that the net growth of plant height, new shoots length and number of leaves, the shoot biomass, the total biomass of Ping' ou hybrid hazelnut were inhibited apparently under the three salt-alkali stresses with the order of NaC1 stress 〉 mixed salt-alkaline stress 〉 Na2CO3 stress, while the root/shoot ratio increased significantly. The stem diameter widened with low salt-alkali stress 6oncentration and the root biomass raised significantly in 50, and 100 mmol L-1 Na2CO3stress. Furthermore, NaCl stress resulted in significant decrease of water content in leaves. The ABA contents of leaves increased significantly with the three salt- alkali stresses, and the (GA + IAA + ZR)/ABA ratio also reduced apparently compared with the control. Moreo- ver, the ABA synthesis was more rapid, and it had no relation with the stress concentration in Na2CO3, but the ABA content were directly related with the concentration of NaC1 stress. The correlation analysis indicated that sig- nificant positive correlation was found between the (GA + IAA + ZR)/ABA ratio and the plant height, new shoots length and leaves, whereas the (GA + IAA + ZR)/ABA ratio and the root/shoot ratio were negatively related. In conclusion, the inhibition on growth indexes imposed by neutral salt were greater than that by alkaline salt and mixed salt-alkaline stress, the difference in response characteristics of endogenous hormones was found under the three salt-alkali stresses, and the Ping' ou hybrid hazelnut showed stronger tolerance to Na2CO3 than to NaCl.



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