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第1、2代马尾松人工林林下植被的多样性比较     被引量:9

Diversity comparison of undergrowth vegetation in 1^(st) and 2^(nd) generations masson pine plantations



英文题名:Diversity comparison of undergrowth vegetation in 1^(st) and 2^(nd) generations masson pine plantations

作者:何佩云[1,2] 丁贵杰[1] 谌红辉[3]








外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology





外文关键词:Pinus massoniana; successive rotation; undergrowth vegetation; diversity index


Through the pair plots method,with different generations (1 st and 2 nd ) and ages (8, 9,15,18,20 years) of masson pine plantations, the diversity comparison of undergrowth vegetation were conduced. The results are as follows: After successive planting, the abundance of the shrub layer were different as tree ages changed in the 1 st and 2 nd generation, the tree heights of the 2 nd generation were higher than the 1 st in young and earlier mid-age, that of the 2 nd generation were lower in later mid-age than the 1 st . There was a difference in the abundance of the shrub layer in the same generation, the abundance of the 1 st generation increased as the age of forest increased gradually, but the 2 nd generation dropped. The species abundance of the herb layer in the 2 nd generation was higher than that of the 1 st in young and mid-age, in the same generation;the species abundance change of the herb layer tended to be consistent,that is,displayed the tendency which increased along with the age of forest increased gradually, it reached the rich species at the earlier mid-age, and it tends the drop at later mid-age. The effects on plant species diversity after successive planting, the Simpson multiple and Shannon-Wiener index of the 2 nd generations were higher than that of the 1 st generation in the shrub and herb layer, all displayed the tendency which increased along with the age of forest increased gradually, and the difference of Shannon-Wiener index of the shrub layer in the young forest between the 1 st and 2 nd generation were up to significant level. Structurally speaking, the Simpson multiple and Shannon-Wiener index of the 1 st and 2 nd generation in the young and mid-age forest displayed that the shrub multiple level was higher than that of the herb layer.



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