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干旱胁迫对不同种源云南松幼苗生物量与根系形态的影响     被引量:16

Effects of Drought Stress on Biomass and Root Morphology of Pinus yunnanensis Seedlings from Different Provenances



英文题名:Effects of Drought Stress on Biomass and Root Morphology of Pinus yunnanensis Seedlings from Different Provenances

作者:高成杰[1] 崔凯[1] 张春华[1] 李昆[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Northwest Forestry University





外文关键词:Pinus yunnanensis;drought stress;biomass allocation;root morphology;provenance


In order to evaluate drought adaptability of Pinus yunnanensis seedlings from different provenances,the effects of drought stress on biomass and root morphology of the seedlings werestudied and the differences in the seedlings biomass and root morphology under drought stress among nine provenances were compared by two-factor randomized block designing under a pot experiment of artificial water control.The results showed that 1)compared to the normal water treatment,the seedling ground diameter,individual organ biomass and the total biomass declined obviously under drought stress,but no significant variation was observed in the seedling height.Drought stress did not result in the increases of seedling root bimass allocation ratio and root-shoot ratio,while the root length,specific root length,root surface area and specific root surface area increased significantly.2)There were significant differences in seedling height,ground diameter,biomass and its allocation ratio,and root morphology among provenances under drought stress.The highest seedling height and ground diameter appeared in Xichang and Shuangbai provenances,and each organ biomass and the total biomass were higher in Shuangbai,Xichang and Ceheng provenances.Chayu provenance had the lower biomass but the highest root bimass allocation ratio and root-shoot ratio.The highest root length,specific root length,root surface area and specific root surface area were all observed in Huize provenance under drought stress.The study indicated that P.yunnanensis seedlings adapted to the the drought stress by root morphological changes instead of root biomass increase under soil moisture constraint,and the different responses of P.yunnanensis seedling growth to drought stress among provenances may result from the different adaptive strategies due to the long-term influence of geographical and climatic factors in each provenance.The comprehensive evaluation on drought adaptability of the seedlings from 9 provenances by the membership function method suggested that the higher drought adaptability of seedlings emerged in the provenances from Chayu of Tibet,Huize of Yunan and Xichang of Sichuan,followed by Shuangbai and Yunlong of Yunnan and Ceheng of Guizhou,and the provenances from Xiping,Yongren and Lufeng of Yunnan had the lower drought adaptability.



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