Study on Activity Rhythm of Asiatic Black Bear in Shennongjia National Park Pilot Area
英文题名:Study on Activity Rhythm of Asiatic Black Bear in Shennongjia National Park Pilot Area
作者:张留栓[1] 刘芳[1] 姬云瑞[1] 陈静[1] 余辉亮[2,3] 马国飞[2,3] 杨敬元[2,3] 李迪强[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment
外文关键词:Asiatic black bear;camera trap;elevation;hibernation;activity rhythm;Shennongjia National Park
摘要:神农架国家公园体制试点区(以下简称“神农架国家公园”)位于我国华中区域,是亚洲黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)的重要分布区域。目前,缺乏该物种在神农架林区的活动节律研究,无法支撑神农架国家公园制定该物种针对性的保护方案。研究收集了2018—2020年神农架国家公园772台次红外相机位点监测数据,累计62575个相机工作日,利用其中亚洲黑熊的影像数据分析其活动节律,并采用卡方检验和单因素方差分析法分析亚洲黑熊对不同海拔段的利用强度及不同季节的垂直迁移行为。结果表明:(1)神农架国家公园亚洲黑熊年活动节律为单峰型,夏季和秋季的活动强度较高,冬眠期为12月下旬至次年4月中旬,持续时间约为3个半月。(2)神农架林区亚洲黑熊日活动节律为晨昏活动模式,日间活动强度更高,具有明显的昼行性。(3)在海拔梯度上,亚洲黑熊在神龙架>1000~2600 m海拔段最为活跃。(4)不同季节亚洲黑熊活动的海拔范围差异明显,具有垂直迁移行为。(5)在神农架林区亚洲黑熊拍摄率最低的>1600~1800 m海拔段内,公路长度和居民点数量分别居第2和第1,说明人为活动对亚洲黑熊活动产生较大影响。神农架国家公园亚洲黑熊的活动节律研究具有重要价值,可为神农架国家公园制定亚洲黑熊种群的保护管理方案以及缓解人熊冲突提供重要的基础数据和科学支撑。
Pilot area of Shennongjia National Park(SNP)contains important habitat of Asiatic black bear(Ursus thibetanus)in central China,however,there is a lack of research on the activity rhythm of this species in SNP,which is conducive for managers to make better management plan for conserving the species.Occurrence data of Asiatic black bear were collected from 772 camera trapping sites from 2018 to 2020 with 62575 camera trapping nights.Date and time of photographs of Asiatic black bear were extracted to assess their activity rhythm.The chi-square test and one-way ANOVA test were used to analyze the behavior of black bear at different elevations and vertical migration in different seasons.Below are the research results:(1)The annual activity rhythm of Asiatic black bears in SNP is unimodal,with the highest activity intensity occurring in summer and autumn.The hibernation period of black bear lasts from late December to mid-April of the next year for about 3 and a half months.(2)Daily activity rhythm of Asiatic black bear in SNP was bimodal,and the intensity of diurnal activity was higher,showing obvious diurnal pattern.(3)Asiatic black bear of SNP was most active between the altitude from>1000 to 2600 m.(4)There were significant differences in the range of elevations for the activity of Asiatic black bear in SNP in different seasons,which showed obvious vertical migration behavior of the species.(5)The lowest photograph rate of Asiatic black bear in SNP occurred between the altitude of>1600-1800 m,as the length of highway and the number of settlements in this elevation section ranked the second and first in SNP,respectively,indicating that human activities had a great influence on Asiatic black bear activities.The findings on the activity rhythm of the Asiatic black bears will provide important basic data and scientific support for the conservation and management of Asiatic black bear population and mitigation of human-bear conflict in SNP.