川西亚高山3种天然次生林土壤有机碳氮组分特征 ( EI收录) 被引量:7
Characterization of Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Components in Three Natural Secondary Forests in Subalpine Regions of Western Sichuan,China
英文题名:Characterization of Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Components in Three Natural Secondary Forests in Subalpine Regions of Western Sichuan,China
作者:胡宗达[1] 刘世荣[2] 刘兴良[3] 罗明霞[1] 胡璟[4] 李亚非[1] 余昊[1] 欧定华[1] 吴德勇[1]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:natural secondary forest;soil organic carbon;soil active organic carbon nitrogen fractions;species diversity;sub-alpine of western Sichuan
摘要:【目的】在土壤母质和气候相似背景下,探讨天然次生林内不同林分类型的土壤活性有机碳氮含量变化特征及其主要影响因素,以加深对天然次生林更新过程中土壤有机碳氮储量及其活性组分含量变化的认识。【方法】在川西米亚罗镇夹壁沟林区,选择3种20世纪60年代采伐后经自然更新形成的天然次生林(青榨槭+糙皮桦+红桦阔叶林,ABB;红桦+青榨槭+岷江冷杉针阔混交林,BAA;岷江冷杉林,AFF),采用相邻样地比较法探讨不同林分类型表层(0-20 cm)土壤有机碳(SOC)、总氮(TN)、轻组有机碳(LFOC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)、可溶性有机氮(DON)、可溶性总氮(DTN)、可溶性无机氮(WDON)、微生物生物量碳(MBC)和微生物生物量氮(MBN)含量变化及其与土壤理化性质和物种多样性的关系。【结果】AFF中SOC、LFOC、MBC、DON和DTN含量分别比ABB和BAA低46.24%和41.29%、51.29%和31.72%、46.46%和41.58%、54.48%和28.54%、56.15%和48.64%;DOC含量表现为ABB>AFF>BAA,AFF中DOC含量比ABB低25.39%、比BAA高4.08%;TN、WDON和MBN含量表现为BAA>ABB>AFF,AFF中TN和WDON含量分别比ABB和BAA低48.46%和48.59%、63.57%和79.94%,而MBN含量则比ABB低5.72%、比BAA高5.26%;冗余分析显示,TN、总磷(TP)、乔草层Shannon-Wiener指数是影响表层土壤活性有机碳含量变化的主要控制因素,土壤活性有机氮含量主要受TN和NO-3-N影响;外源氮磷库(尤其是氮素)的投入以及物种组成结构是导致不同林分类型土壤活性有机碳氮含量差异显著的主要原因。【结论】青榨槭+糙皮桦+红桦阔叶林和红桦+青榨槭+岷江冷杉针阔混交林表层土壤有机碳氮及其组分含量显著高于岷江冷杉林,说明自然更新早期阶段(≤60年)的岷江冷杉林不利于土壤养分积累,在经营管理时可适当增加外源氮素以及阔叶树种和草本植物物种,以提升土壤养分质量。
【Objective】This study is aimed to through characterization of the changes of contents of active soil organic carbon and nitrogen,and their influential factors in three secondary natural forests with similar microclimate and soil parent materials,to deepen the understanding of the changes of soil organic carbon and nitrogen stock and contents of active components during the course of regeneration of the natural secondary forest.【Method】The study site is located in Jiabigou forest zone of Miyaluo town in western Sichuan,where secondary forest was formed through natural regeneration after logging in the 1960s.Soil samples in the top soil layer(0-20 cm)from Acer spp.+Betula spp.deciduous broadleaf forest(ABB),a Betula spp.+Acer spp.+Abies faxoniana mixed broadleaf-conifer forest(BAA)and a Abies faxoniana pure forest(AFF)were collected in late July,2018.We investigated the changes of contents of soil organic carbon(SOC),total nitrogen(TN),light fraction organic carbon(LFOC),dissolved organic carbon(DOC),dissolved organic nitrogen(DON),dissolved total nitrogen(DTN),dissolved inorganic nitrogen(WDON)microbial biomass carbon(MBC)and microbial biomass nitrogen(MBN),and their relations with physical and chemical soil properties,and species diversity using the method of comparisons of adjacent plots.Correlation analysis was used to reveal the differences of soil active organic carbon and nitrogen fractions.Redundancy analysis(RDA)was determined to decipher the main factors influencing soil organic carbon and nitrogen fractions.【Result】The results showed that,due to similar tree species in the ABB and BAA,the contents of SOC,LFOC,DON,and DTN ranked in the order of ABB>BAA>AFF.The contents of SOC,LFOC,MBC,DON,and DTN of AFF compared with ABB and BAA was 46.24%and 41.29%,51.29%and 31.72%,46.46%and 41.58%,54.48%and 28.54%,56.15%and 48.64%lower,respectively.The content of DOC was in the order of ABB>AFF>BAA.DOC content of AFF compared with ABB and BAA was 25.39%lower and 4.08%higher,respectively.The contents of TN,WDON,and MBN were in the order of BAA>ABB>AFF.The contents of TN and WDON of AFF compared with ABB and BAA was 48.46%and 48.59%,63.57%and 79.94%lower,respectively.MBN content of AFF was 5.72%lower compared with ABB and 5.26%higher compared with BAA,respectively.Redundancy analysis(RDA)indicated that TN,soil total phosphorus(TP)and Shannon-Wiener index of arbor and herb layers were the major impacting factors for driving changes of soil active organic fraction contents.TN and NO 3--N played an important role in driving changes of soil active nitrogen fractions contents.【Conclusion】The results indicated that the differences of exogenous nitrogen and phosphorus(especially nitrogen)devotion were responsible for the significant differences of soil active carbon and nitrogen fractions,and the growth rhythm of tree and herbaceous plants,the availability of soil nutrient.The contents of topsoil organic carbon and nitrogen fractions in ABB and BAA were obviously higher than those in AFF.The results implied that AFF were not beneficial to the soil nutrient accumulation in the early stages(≤60 a)of natural regeneration after logging.It was therefore better to increase appropriately the proportion of broad-leaf and herbaceous species in managing A.faxoniana forests for improving soil fertility quality.