祁连山不同年龄青海云杉径向生长对气候变化的响应 ( EI收录)
Response of Radial Growth of Qinghai Spruce at Different Ages to Climate Change in Qilian Mountains,Northwestern China
英文题名:Response of Radial Growth of Qinghai Spruce at Different Ages to Climate Change in Qilian Mountains,Northwestern China
作者:王彬[1] 于澎涛[1] 于艺鹏[1] 张雷[2,3] 王彦辉[1] 万艳芳[1] 杨文娟[4] 王顺利[5] 刘贤德[5]
通信作者:Yu, Pengtao
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:tree growth;age;warming hiatus;Qinghai spruce
摘要:【目的】探讨不同年龄的树木生长及其对气候变化的响应规律,为预测未来气候变化下的森林动态和应对气候变化的林业管理提供科学依据。【方法】基于祁连山中段北坡排露沟小流域海拔2800和2900 m的青海云杉林全样地采样数据,采用胸高断面积年增长量(BAI)表征树木生长,探讨小龄树(30~60年生)、中龄树(60~90年生)和大龄树(90~120年生)在迅速增温期(1980—2000年)和增温趋缓期(2000—2013年)的生长差异及其主要影响因素。【结果】1980—2000年,迅速增温导致的水分胁迫限制所有树龄组的树木生长,小龄树、中龄树和大龄树的BAI拟合线斜率分别为-5.91(P<0.01)、-9.48(P<0.01)和-14.97 mm^(2)·a^(-1)(P<0.01);大龄树BAI与当年5—8月的平均标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)显著正相关的株数百分比最大,表明大龄树受到的干旱限制作用最大;2000—2013年,增温趋缓伴随降水增加形成相对暖湿的气候特征导致不同树龄组的BAI均转为不显著增加趋势,其中小龄树和中龄树的BAI拟合线斜率(分别为2.27和2.45 mm^(2)·a^(-1))大于大龄树(1.02 mm^(2)·a^(-1));大龄树BAI与当年6月平均气温显著负相关的株数百分比较大,小龄树和中龄树BAI与上年7月到当年6月的总降水量以及当年5—8月的平均SPEI显著正相关的株数百分比较大,表明干旱缓解后增温对大龄树仍有一定限制作用,但上年7月到当年6月的总降水量以及当年5—8月的平均SPEI可促进小龄树和中龄树生长。【结论】迅速增温期,祁连山中段青海云杉BAI下降速率随树龄增长逐渐增大,该时段气温和SPEI对大龄树BAI的影响更为强烈;增温趋缓期,BAI恢复增加趋势,小龄树和中龄树BAI增加速率大于大龄树,该时段降水和SPEI对小龄树和中龄树BAI的影响更大。
【Objective】This study was aimed to understand age-related tree growth pattern and their relationship with climate factors,in order to provide a scientific basis for predicting forest dynamics under future climate change and for forestry management in response to climate change.【Method】Based on the data of Qinghai spruce forest in 2 sample plots at respective altitudes of 2800 and 2900 m in Pailugou small watershed in the middle of Qilian Mountains,the basal area increment(BAI)at breast height was used to characterize the growth of trees.We present the responses of Qinghai spruce(Picea crassifolia)growth to climate change using a stand-total sampling strategy.All the trees in the 2 sample plots were divided into 3 age groups:young(30-60 a),middle-aged(60-90 a),and old(90-120 a).We analyzed the growth difference among the 3 age groups and its key influential factors during the periods of rapid warming(1980—2000)and warming hiatus(2000—2013).【Result】During the period from 1980 to 2000,water stress resulted from rapid warming in the study area restricted the growth of trees of all the 3 age groups,the BAI slope of regression line was decline gradually-5.91 mm^(2)·a^(-1)(P<0.01),-9.48 mm^(2)·a^(-1)(P<0.01),and-14.97 mm^(2)·a^(-1)(P<0.01)respectively for the young,the middle-aged,and the old.The percentage of positive correlation between the BAI of the old trees and the average standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index(SPEI)from the current May to August was the largest,indicating that the drought-limiting effect of the old trees was the greatest.From 2000 to 2013,the warming hiatus coupled with increase of precipitation resulted in a relatively warm and humid climate characteristics.As a result,the BAI of different age groups turned into a non-significant increase trend.The BAI slope of regression line was of the young and the middle-aged(2.27 and 2.45 mm^(2)·a^(-1),respectively)was greater than that of the old(1.02 mm^(2)·a^(-1)).The percentage of significant negative correlation between the old trees and the average temperature of the current June was large.However,the percentage of significant positive correlation between the young and the middle-aged trees and the total precipitation from the last July to the current June and the average SPEI from May to August were large,indicating that after mitigation of drought the warming still has a certain restrictive effect on the growth of old trees.However,the total precipitation from the last July to the current June and the average SPEI from the current May to August promoted the growth of the young and the middle-aged trees.【Conclusion】During the rapid warming period,the BAI decline rate of Qinghai spruce in the middle Qilian Mountains gradually increased with the increase of tree age.During the period of warming hiatus,BAI of all age groups resumed the increasing trend,and the BAI increase rate of the young and the middle-aged trees was greater than that of the old trees.During the rapid warming period,the impact of temperature and SPEI on the BAI of the old trees is stronger.While during warming hiatus period,the impact of precipitation and SPEI on the young and the middle-aged trees is greater.