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湘西石漠化区3种造林模式土壤真菌群落结构差异     被引量:13

Differences of soil fungal community structure under three afforestation modes in rocky desertification region of Western Hunan Province



英文题名:Differences of soil fungal community structure under three afforestation modes in rocky desertification region of Western Hunan Province

作者:刘立玲[1,2,3] 周光益[2] 党鹏[1,3] 陈洁[2] 尚海[3] 邱丽琼[1,2,3] 朱宁华[1,3]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:rocky desertification area;different afforestation modes;soil fungi;diversity index


摘要:湘西石漠化地区是我国生态系统脆弱而又敏感的区域,土壤微生物在维持石漠化区森林生态系统结构和功能稳定中发挥重要作用。选取石漠化地区立地条件相同的32年生的马尾松纯林、光皮桦纯林及马尾松?光皮桦混交林为研究对象,以立地条件相似的未造林荒地演变成的灌草群落作为对照,比较分析石漠化地区不同造林模式对土壤真菌群落结构和多样性的影响及其主要驱动因素。采用Illumina HiSeq第二代高通量测序技术,分析了3种森林土壤真菌群落组成及多样性。结果表明,不同造林模式下土壤真菌优势类群不同,光皮桦、马尾松?光皮桦混交林以及石漠化灌草地土壤真菌优势门均为子囊菌门(Ascomycota),且在石漠化灌草地相对丰度最大,为64.0%;马尾松则以担子菌门(Basidiomycota)为优势类群,其相对丰度占57.9%。混交林土壤真菌物种总数和Shannon指数显著高于马尾松和光皮桦林地,整体上真菌群落多样性表现为:未造林灌草地>混交林>马尾松林>光皮桦林。与未造林灌草地相比,马尾松?光皮桦混交林和光皮桦纯林显著提升了土壤有机碳(SOC)和全氮(TN)含量。Mantel test检验结果显示,真菌群落结构与全磷(TP)、有机碳(SOC)、铵态氮(NH_(4)^(+)?N)、硝态氮(NO_(3)^(?)N)、全氮(TN)、pH和含水量(SWC)具有显著相关性(P<0.05),其中土壤SOC、TN、pH值对真菌群落结构影响最大。冗余分析(RDA)结果发现,子囊菌(Ascomycota)与pH、TP、SOC、TN、AP、NO_(3)^(?)-N含量均呈正相关;担子菌门(Basidiomycota)和被孢霉门(Mortierellomycota)主要与NH_(4)^(+)?N成正相关,与pH、TP、SOC、TN、AP、NO_(3)^(-)?N呈负相,而罗氏菌门(Rozellomycota)与SWC呈正相关(P<0.05)。综上,相比针叶纯林,石漠化地区针阔混交林能通过增加土壤SOC、TN而显著提高真菌群落多样性,促进土壤肥力状况的提升。此研究结果可以为石漠化区人工植被恢复以及土壤肥力管理提供依据。
Rocky desertification area in Western Hunan province is a fragile and sensitive area of ecosystem in China. Soil microorganisms play an important role in maintaining the stability of forest ecosystem structure and function in rocky desertification area. Thirty two year-old pure Pinus massoniana forest, pure Betula luminifera forest and mixed Pinus massoniana and Betula luminifera forest in rocky desertification area with the same site conditions were selected as the research objects. The non-forested shrub grassland with the similar site conditions was taken as the control to compare and analyze the influence of different afforestation modes on soil fungal community structure and diversity and their main driving factors. The composition and diversity of soil fungal communities in three forests were analyzed by Illumina HiSeq second-generation high-throughput sequencing technology. The results showed that the dominant groups of soil fungi were different under different afforestation modes. The dominant phylum of soil fungi in Betula luminifera, mixed forest and non-forested shrub grassland were Ascomycota, and the relative abundance was the largest in non-forested shrub grassland, which was 64.0%. Basidiomycota was the dominant group in Pinus massoniana, its relative abundance accounted for 57.9%. The total number of soil fungal species and Shannon index of mixed forest were significantly higher than those of Pinus massoniana and Betula luminifera forest. On the whole, the diversity of fungal community was as follows: non-forested shrub grassland>mixed forest>Pinus massoniana forest>Betula luminifera forest. The contents of soil organic carbon(SOC) and total nitrogen(TN) in the mixed forest and Betula luminifera pure forest were significantly higher than those in non-forested shrub grassland. Mantel test showed that fungal community structure was significantly correlated with total phosphorus(TP), SOC, ammonium nitrogen(NH_(4)^(+)?N), nitrate nitrogen(NO_(3)^(-)-N), TN, pH and water content(SWC)(P<0.05). Soil SOC, TN and pH had the greatest impact on fungal community structure. Redundancy analysis(RDA) showed Ascomycetes were positively correlated with pH, TP, SOC, TN, AP and NO;-N content;Basidiomycetes and Mortierella were mainly positively correlated with NH_(4)^(+)?N, and negatively correlated with pH, TP, SOC, TN, AP and NO_(3)^(-)-N. There was a positive correlation between Rozellomycota and SWC. In conclusion, compared with pure coniferous forest, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in rocky desertification area can significantly improve the diversity of fungal community by increasing soil SOC and TN, and promote the improvement of soil fertility. The results can provide basis for artificial vegetation restoration and soil fertility management in rocky desertification area.



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