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楸树人工林生长规律及其最优生长模型研究——以河南省洛宁县楸树为例     被引量:9

Growth Law and Optimal Growth Model of Catalpa bungei Plantation——A Case Study of Catalpa bungei in Luoning County,Henan Province



英文题名:Growth Law and Optimal Growth Model of Catalpa bungei Plantation——A Case Study of Catalpa bungei in Luoning County,Henan Province

作者:关追追[1] 赵江宁[1] 邱权[1] 麻文俊[2] 王少明[3] 冯小静[4] 苏艳[1] 王军辉[2] 李吉跃[1] 何茜[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Engineering





外文关键词:Catalpa bungei;stem analysis;growth model;growth law;quantity maturity


摘要:为更系统地研究楸树的生长规律,进一步确定其速生期和最优生长模型,以河南省洛宁县树龄18~37年生的楸树为研究对象,通过树干解析获取树木的生长数据,应用系列模型对树高、胸径和材积生长过程进行拟合,筛选出楸树最优生长模型。研究结果表明:①树高总生长量随着树龄的增加呈抛物线型增加形式,胸径总生长量呈S型曲线增加形式,材积总生长量呈J型曲线增加形式;前15 a为树高速生期,平均生长速率为0.715 m/a,3~15 a为胸径快速生长期,此阶段平均生长速率为1.083 cm/a;材积连年生长量与平均生长量曲线在37 a时未相交,此时楸树未达到数量成熟,不宜进行采伐;②树高的最优生长模型为修正Weibull与Mitscherlich模型,决定系数R 2达到0.999;胸径的最优生长模型为修正Weibull模型,R 2达到0.995;材积的最优生长模型为Gompertz与Richards模型,R 2达到0.998。将树木生长指标实测值与模型拟合值进行线性拟合,发现两者相关性十分显著(P<0.01),R 2超过了0.990。从而得到结论,河南省洛宁县楸树的速生期是在造林后前15 a,轮伐期应超过37 a,利用树木生长的最优模型能够准确预测楸树的生长规律。
In order to systematically study the growth law of Catalpa bungei and determine its fast-growing period and the optimal growth model,the Catalpa bungei trees,aged from 18a to 37a,were selected as the research object in Luoning County of Henan Province.The growth data of trees was obtained through stem analysis,and a series of models were applied to fit growth process of tree height,diameter breast height(DBH)and volume,and the optimal growth model of Catalpa bungei was screened.The results showed:①With the increase of tree age,the total growth of tree height increased in the form of parabola,the total growth of DBH increased in the form of S curve,and the total growth of volume increased in the form of J curve.The high-speed growth period of tree height appeared the first 15 a of tree growth,and the average growth rate was 0.715 m/a.The rapid growth stage of DBH appeared among 3~15 a,and the average growth rate was 1.083 cm/a.The continuous annual and average growth curve of volume did not intersect when tree age reached 37 a.At this time,trees were not cut because they did not reach maturity.②The optimal growth model of tree height was correct-Weibull and Mitscherlich model,and the determination coefficient R 2 was 0.999.The optimal growth model of DBH was correct-Weibull model,R 2 was 0.995.Gompertz and Richards models were the best growth models of volume,R 2 was 0.998.The correlation between the measured value of tree growth index and the model fitting value was very significant(P<0.01),R 2 was more than 0.990.The conclusions are as follows,the fast-growing period of Catalpa bungei was in the first 15 years after afforestation,and the rotation period should be more than 37 years in Luoning County,Henan Province.Using the optimal model of tree growth can accurately predict the growth law of Catalpa bungei.



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