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南亚热带珍稀濒危树种格木生长规律研究     被引量:20

Study on the growth law of a rare and endangered tree species of Erythrophleum fordii in south subtropical Area of China



英文题名:Study on the growth law of a rare and endangered tree species of Erythrophleum fordii in south subtropical Area of China

作者:唐继新[1,2] 麻静[1] 贾宏炎[1] 曾冀[1] 雷渊才[2] 蔡道雄[1] 郝建[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology





外文关键词:Erythrophleumfordii; stem analysis; heartwood; growth regularity; Adobe Acrobat software; Measuring tool


摘要:应用30年生格木人工林树干解析资料,对珍稀濒危树种格木人工林的生长规律进行研究,结果表明:(1)林分中等木胸径生长量的速生期在7~25年,连年生长量最高峰值在第15年,连年生长量与平均生长量曲线在20~26年相交;林分优势木径向生长的速生期在5~28年,连年生长量的最高峰值在第11年,平均生长量的峰值在18~19年。(2)林分中等木树高生长的速生期在第4~21年,连年生长量的最高峰值在第7年,平均生长量的峰值在第8年,平均生长量与连年生长量曲线在8~21年多次相交;林分优势木树高生长的速生期在4~20年,连年生长量的最高峰值在第4年,平均生长量的峰值在第9年,平均生长量与连年生长量在9~16年多次相交。(3)中等木与优势木的材积速生期持续时间长,生长潜力大,直至第30年时仍未达数量成熟。(4)心材形成的起始树龄和起始树干去皮直径分别为12.2年、7.73cm。(5)林分中等木胸径、树高和材积的最优拟合方程分别为Gompertz、Richards、Richards方程,其调整后的拟合优度均≥0.978691,拟合效果显著;林分优势木胸径、树高、材积的最优拟合模型分别为Schumacher、Richards、Richards方程。(6)利用Adobe Acrobat软件距离工具进行树干解析测定,具有测量结果精准、效率高、成本低及复测易于实现等优点,相对于传统手工测量方式是一种较好的新途径。
Based on the material of stem analysis of standard plots of 30-year-old Erythrophleum fordii Oliv plantation, growth regularity of the plantation was studied. The results showed that (1) About the intermediate tree, the fast-growing period of annual increment of DBH was during 7th - 25th year, the growth of annual increment of DBH reached the peak in the 15th year, and it has intersected with the curve of average growth several times during the 20th - 26th year. To the dominant tree, the fast-growing period of annual increment of DBH was during 5th - 28th year, the growth of annual increment of DBH reached the peak in the 11th year, the highest value of average growth of DBH was during the 18th - 19h year. (2) To the intermediate tree, the fast growing period of annual increment of tree height was during the 4th - 21th year, the average increment of tree high was in the 8th year, the annual increment of tree height reached the peak in the 7th year, then it gradually decreased, while it has intersected with the curve of average growth of tree height several times during the 8th - 21th year. In the dominant tree, the fast growing period of annual increment of tree height was during the 4th - 20th year, the average increment of tree high was in the 9th year, the highest annual increment of tree height was in the 4th years, after that it gradually decreased, while it has intersected with the curve of average growth of tree height several times during the 9th - 16th year. (3)Both of the intermediate tree and the dominant tree, their fast growth period of volume have been sustaining a long-term, until the 30th year, both of the growth of volume have not reached the quantitative maturity, the growth of individual volume has a great potential. (4)The heartwood initiation age and xylem diameter of the stem were respectively at 12.2 year and 7.73cm. (5)To the intermediate tree, the best equations to simulate the growth process of DBH, tree height and volume were the equations of Gompertz, Richards and Richards in respectively, each of the goodness of Adjusted R-squared was more than 0.978691, and the fitting effects were obvious. While to the dominant tree, the best equations to were Schumacher, Richards and Richards in respectively.(6) It is a good and new way to measure analytic trees with the distance tool of Adobe Acrobat software, which has the advantages of accurate results, high efficiency, lowcost and easy retest with the measurement, comparing with the traditional manual measurement method.



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