黄土高原和六盘山区的林水协调多功能管理 ( EI收录)
Forest-Water Coordinated and Multifunctional Management of Forests in the Liupan Mountainous Area and Loess Plateau Region of China
英文题名:Forest-Water Coordinated and Multifunctional Management of Forests in the Liupan Mountainous Area and Loess Plateau Region of China
作者:王彦辉[1] 于澎涛[1] 田奥[1] 韩新生[1] 郝佳[1] 刘泽彬[1] 王晓[1]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:forest functions/services;multifunctional forest management;forest-water interrelations;dryland regions;Loess Plateau;plantation of Larix principis-rupprechtii
摘要:【目的】面对实施黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展重大国家战略、推进“山水林田湖草”系统治理的国家要求,黄土高原等旱区的林业发展和植被恢复必须改变传统方式,增加考虑水资源的限制和对水资源的影响,关注森林的多种功能优化,探索如何克服长期存在的忽视水资源承载力、造林成活率低和生长不良、减少河川径流危及区域供水安全、整体功能低下等问题,实现森林多功能性的整体提升。【方法】针对深入理解林水关系和进行森林多功能管理的科技需求,自2000年以来在黄土高原的泾河流域和作为黄土高原区域重要水源地的六盘山土石山区,围绕“结构”、“格局”、“过程”、“耦合”、“尺度”等关键内容,在从单株到区域的多个空间尺度上,采用观测对比、统计分析、模型模拟等多种手段,长期开展旱区森林生态水文和多功能管理研究。【结果】1)林业高质量发展的本质是森林多功能优化的定量精准管理,为此需深入理解和准确量化立地环境与林分结构对多种功能形成的影响,在考虑多种功能的相互作用和供需关系基础上明确各功能的重要性差异,通过科学设计和合理调控森林的数量、质量(结构)和空间格局而权衡优化相互竞争的多种功能,在保证森林本身稳定的前提下尽可能同时满足对主导功能及其他功能的需求。2)提出了旱区林水协调多功能管理的实现途径,即在管理决策时除继续考虑可造林土地面积、立地质量、可用造林苗木等限制外,增加水资源管理及多功能管理的决策内容,并嵌入到传统的森林单功能经营决策过程中,这涉及流域森林覆盖率(造多少?)、森林空间分布(在哪造?)、植被类型和树种组成(造什么?)、林分结构(怎么管?)4个决策层。3)按决策层梳理总结了相关技术成果,在确定黄土区流域合理森林覆盖率方面,将仅考虑年降水量限制的潜在森林覆盖率提升为同时考虑降水量与产流要求限制的合理森林覆盖率,这可藉助于有关统计关系及率定过的流域水文模型模拟;在确定流域内的森林合理空间分布方面,提出相关决策需增加考虑立地类型的产流差别及其造林响应,这可借助于分布式流域水文模型模拟结果或研发的区域植被承载力计算系统;在林分尺度的森林多功能管理方面,提出了5个决策步骤,即进行立地质量分类、确定各地类的主要功能及优先性、调查现有林分结构特征、诊断现有林分的结构与功能、编制面向结构与功能的管理计划;为给森林多功能管理提供参照和目标,提出了不同详细程度的多功能水源林理想结构,包括表示为“3×0.7+X”的一般化理想结构(郁闭度0.7左右,0.6~0.8;地表覆盖度0.7以上;林木高径比0.7 m/cm以下,至少不超过0.9;X表示其他要求)、通过权衡多种功能和林分稳定的需求而确定的华北落叶松中龄林多功能合理密度、基于主要功能的变化规律和重要性排序而确定的不同海拔和林龄时的华北落叶松林多功能合理密度。【结论】本文证实了林水协调多功能管理的理论先进性和技术可行性,是旱区林业高质量发展的可行途径。通过深入认识和定量分析森林多种功能的变化规律,结合应用本文提出的管理技术,就可以科学设计和合理调节森林的数量(覆盖率)、质量(结构)和分布格局,整体提升森林的多种功能,更好地满足社会发展需求。但是,现有成果还有局限性,仍需针对各地情况开展更多理论与技术研究,助力“山水林田湖草”生命共同体治理及黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展。
【Objective】Facing the requirements of implementing the major national strategy of Yellow River Basin ecological protection and high-quality development,and of promoting the integrated management of“mountains,rivers,forests,farmlands,lakes and grasslands”systems in China,the traditional approaches of forestry development and vegetation restoration in dryland regions,such as the Loess Plateau,must be changed by adding the considerations of water resources limitation and the impacts on water resources,and by paying attentions to the optimization of multiple forest functions/services.It is required to explore how to overcome the long-standing problems of neglecting water carrying capacity,low afforestation survival rate and poor tree growth,river runoff reduction and endangering to regional water supply safety,and the overall low functions of forests,so that to achieve the overall improvement of the multifunctionality of forests through their scientific management.【Method】To meet the scientific and technical requirements of deep understanding of forest-water interrelations and of multifunctional forest management(MFFM),long-term studies since 2000 on the dryland forest ecohydrology and MFFM techniques were carried out in the Jinghe River basin and the regional important source-water area of the rocky Liupan Mountains on the Loess Plateau of northwest China.These studies were designed around the key issues of“structure”,“pattern”,“process”,“coupling”,and“scale”,using the multiple methods of observation comparison and statistical analysis as well as model simulation,at multiple scales from single tree to region.【Result】The studies showed that:1)The essence of high-quality forestry development is MFFM with quantitative and precise decision-making.Therefore,it is required to deeply understand and precisely quantify the impacts of site conditions and stand structure on the multiple functions of forests,to clarify the importance order of forest functions based on their complex interactions and supply-demand relations,and to optimize the competing functions to meet the societal demands of both dominant and other functions simultaneously under the precondition of ensured forest stability,by the rational designing and regulation of forest quantity,quality(structure)and spatial distribution pattern within basins.2)The forest-water coordinated and multifunctional management approach was proposed,this means that besides considering the restrictions of available land area and seedlings and site quality for afforestation,new considerations should be added to the water resources management and MFFM through embedding them into the traditional single-function oriented decision processes of forest management.These decision processes involve four decision levels,they are the rational forest cover of basins(how much to afforest?),forest spatial distribution(where to afforest?),vegetation type and tree species composition(with which tree species?)and stand structure(how to manage forests?).3)The related technical achievements were summarized according to the decision levels.For determining the reasonable forest cover of loess basins,the potential forest cover merely based on the annual precipitation limit can be updated to the reasonable forest cover by considering both the precipitation limit and water yield requirement through using the established empirical relations and the simulation results of watershed hydrological models.4)For making the decisions of reasonable spatial distribution of forests within basins,the water yield differences among site types and their responses to afforestation should be utilized with the help of simulation results of distributed hydrological models or the regional vegetation carrying capacity calculation system developed in this study.For the MFFM decision at stand scale,a five-step decision-making procedure was suggested,namely,site quality classification,determining main functions and their priorities for each site type,investigating the structure characteristics of existing forest stands,diagnosing the structure and functions of existing forest stands,and compiling a structure/function-oriented management plan.For setting up the reference and goal of MFFM,ideal stand structures of multifunctional water-retention forests with different degrees of detail were proposed:the generalized ideal stand structure expressed as“3×0.7+X”(canopy density around 0.7,0.6-0.8;ground coverage above 0.7;ratio of tree height to DBH below 0.7 m/cm,at least not higher than 0.9;X presents other requirements),the multifunctional density of middle-aged larch(Larix principis-rupprechtii)plantations determined by weighing the density needs of individual functions and stand stability,the varying multifunctional densities of larch plantations along elevations and ages determined based on the variation rules of main forest functions and their priorities.【Conclusion】The theoretical advancement and technical feasibility of forest-water coordinated multifunctional management has been proved,as a viable way to realize the high-quality forestry development in dryland regions.Through a thorough understanding and quantitative analysis of the multiple functions with varying environment and forest structure,combined with the application of MFFM techniques proposed in this paper,the rational forest quantity(forest cover),quality(structure),and distribution pattern can be scientifically designed and adjusted,to realize the overall promotion of multiple functions to better meet the diverse societal demands.However,the achievements are still limited,thus more theoretical and technical research of forest-water coordinated and multifunctional management of forests should be carried out according to local situations to help the life community governance of“mountains,rivers,forests,farmlands,lakes and grasslands”systems and the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin.