抚仙湖径流区4种典型森林凋落物水源涵养功能研究 被引量:3
Water conservation function of litter in four forests in the runoff area of the Fuxianhu lake
英文题名:Water conservation function of litter in four forests in the runoff area of the Fuxianhu lake
作者:杨钟学[1] 奎燕[1] 鲍绍辉[1] 王云瀚[1] 付明[1] 吴利明[1] 唐国勇[2]
外文期刊名:Forestry Construction
外文关键词:Canopy interception;trunk runoff;plant litter;water conservation by plant litter;runoff area of the Fuxianhu Lake
摘要:以滇中抚仙湖径流区4种典型森林(云南松林、针阔混交林、阔叶林、竹林)为对象,初步探究了森林对降雨分配、林下凋落物及其持水特征等水源涵养功能。结果表明:观测期内,4种森林对降雨均有明显的再分配作用,其中林冠截留和树干径流占降雨量的30%~40%。云南松林林冠截留和树干径流率最低,其次为针阔混交林和阔叶林,而竹林最高。4种森林其林下凋落物量差异显著,大小顺序为竹林>阔叶林>针阔混交林>云南松林。凋落物最大持水量在270~390 g/m^2之间,最大持水率为196.2%~288.2%。竹林和阔叶林凋落物最大持水量差异不显著,但均显著高于针阔混交林和云南松林;而阔叶林凋落物最大持水率显著高于竹林。地表凋落物有效拦蓄量大小顺序为阔叶林>竹林>针阔混交林>云南松林。研究得出:作为抚仙湖重要水源地和集水区的森林,在一定的水土流失容许范围内,可适当控制和调节该地区森林的林分密度或郁闭度,以减少水分耗散,增加林内透雨量。总体上,研究中的4种森林均具有较强的水源涵养效益,云南松林稍差。
Based on four typical forests[Pinus yunnanensis forest(PF),coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest(CBF),broad-leaved forest(BF)and Sinocalarnus affinis forest(SF)]in the runoff area of the Fuxianhu lake,the water conservation functions of litter in forests,including effects of forest on rainfall distribution,litter amount and water holding characteristics of litters were explored.The results show that:the four forests played obvious redistribution roles on rainfall.The canopy interception and trunk runoff of the four forst accounted for 30%-40%of rainfall.The canopy interception and trunk runoff rate was lowest in the PF,followed by CBF and BF,and the highest was in the SF.There were significant differences in litter amounts among the four forests and the order was:SF>BF>CBF>PF.The maximum water holding capacity of litter in the four forests ranged from 270 to 390 g/m^2,and the holding rates varied from 196.2%to 288.2%.There was no significant difference in the maximum water holding capacity of litter between SF and BF,but both were significantly higher than the CBF and PF.The maximum water holding rate of litter in the BF was significantly higher than that in the SF.The order of effective water storage amount of litter was:BF>SF>CBF>PF.The results show that:forest is of an important water source and catchment area of the Fuxian Lake,and the forest density or canopy density can be properly controlled and adjusted within a certain range of soil erosion tolerance,so as to reduce water dissipation and increase the amount of rainfall in the forest.In general,all the studied four forests has strong water conservation benefits,but the PF is slightly worse.