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覆土栽培对高节竹笋品质的影响     被引量:25

Influence of soil covered cultivation on shoot quality of Phyllostachys prominens



英文题名:Influence of soil covered cultivation on shoot quality of Phyllostachys prominens

作者:郭子武[1] 江志标[2] 陈双林[1] 叶生月[2] 李迎春[1] 杨清平[1] 李明良[2]













外文关键词:Phyllostachys prominens ;soil covered cultivation;shoot appearance quality; shoot palatability


摘要:为了生产高品质高节竹笋,提高竹林经济效益,该研究通过调查并测定了覆土1a、覆土2 a和不覆土栽培的高节竹林竹笋外观形态和营养物质、呈味物质、氨基酸含量,分析了覆土栽培对高节竹笋品质与适口性的影响。结果表明:覆土栽培1 a和2 a的高节竹笋个体重量及可食率分别较未覆土栽培高节竹笋提高了107.58%、165.73%及8.77%、13.63%,而且高节竹笋个体重量及可食率覆土栽培年限之间差异显著;覆土栽培高节竹笋长度总体显著高于未覆土栽培高节竹笋,且覆土栽培年限之间并无显著差异;高节竹笋基茎则为覆土栽培1a与未覆土栽培之间无显著差异,且均显著低于覆土栽培2 a的高节竹笋。覆土栽培高节竹笋蛋白质、单宁、草酸、总酸、纤维素、木质素和各类氨基酸含量及氨基酸总量总体上有明显降低,而脂肪、可溶性糖含量和糖酸比则明显提高;鲜味、甜味和芳香类氨基酸比例有所升高,而苦味氨基酸比例则有所降低。综合分析表明,覆土栽培能明显改善高节竹笋外观形态质量,增加香味和甜味,减少酸涩味和粗糙度,竹笋品质和适口性明显提高,且覆土栽培2 a的影响作用更为明显。
To enhance the shoot quality and economic profit, appearance quality, content of nutrient, flavour substance and amino acid in Phyllostachys prominens shoot from soil covered bamboo cultivation stand(one-year soil covered stand, two-year soil covered stand and non-covered stand) were investigated, and effects of soil covered cultivation on shoot quality and palatability were also analyzed. The results showed that compared to non-covered stand, individual weight increased by 107.58% for one-year soil covered stand and 165.73% for two-year soil covered stand, while edible parts ratios increased by 8.77% for one-year soil covered stand and 13.63% for two-year soil covered stand. Further- more, there was significant difference among different soil-covered stand on individual weight and edible parts ratios of P. prominens shoot. Shoot length of soil covered stand was higher than that of non-covered stand, and there was no difference on shoot length between one-year soil covered stand and two-year soil covered stand. No difference on shoot diameter existed between one-year soil covered stand and non-covered stand, but those all was lower than shoot diameter of two-year soil covered stand. Compared to non-covered stand, content of protein, tannin, oxalic acid, total acid, cellu- lose, lignin and amino acid of P. prorninens shoot in soil covered stand decreased apparently overall, while soluble sug- ar, fat and ratio of sugar to acid of P. prominens shoot form soil covered stand increased obviously. Proportion of deli- cious, sweet and aromatic amino acid increased, and bitter amino acid proportion of P. prorninens shoot in soil covered stand decreased. All results indicated that shoot appearance quality of soil covered stand enhanced obviously, and fra- grance and sweetness increased obviously, while acid and astringent taste of P. prominens shoot form soil covered stand decreased evidently, shoot quality and palatability enhanced greatly, and the effects on shoot quality and palatability of two-year soil coverage were more evident and beneficial.



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