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农林复合系统水分生态特征的模拟研究     被引量:40

Simulation on water ecological characteristics of agroforestry in the hilly area of Taihang Mountain



英文题名:Simulation on water ecological characteristics of agroforestry in the hilly area of Taihang Mountain

作者:张劲松[1] 孟平[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica


基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3 9770 62 4) ;国家"九五"科技攻关专题资助项目 ( 96-0 0 7-0 4-0 5 )~~



外文关键词:agroforestry system; water ecological characteristics; simulation


摘要:根据验证后的太行山低山丘陵区苹果 -小麦复合系统及单作小麦系统 SPAC水分运移模型 ,模拟计算小麦拔节 -腊熟期间复合系统和单作系统蒸腾、根系吸水和土壤水分的时空变化值 ,继而分析复合系统水分生态特征 ,旨在为该地区发展果农复合模式提供一定的理论依据 ,并以期进一步丰富复合农林业水分生态理论研究内容。结果表明 :(1)对比单作小麦系统 ,复合系统具有明显的小麦蒸腾需水及耗水降低效应 ,其值分别可达 18.0 %和 16 .8% ;实际区域面积上 ,复合系统中作物和果树蒸腾耗水量的比值为 1.7,说明小麦耗水是复合系统耗水的主要特征方式。 (2 )分布林带区和作物区的果树吸水量分别约占系统内果树吸水总量的 4 7.6 %和 5 2 .4 % ,说明果树所消耗的土壤水分至少有 5 0 %以上来自作物区内 ;在作物与果树根系的交错区内 ,作物吸水量与果树吸水量的比值达 82 .0 :1,因此 ,小麦在与果树根系吸水的直接竞争过程中 ,将处绝对主导的地位。 (3)小麦拔节-腊熟期间各时段内 ,复合系统中 0~ 80 cm土层贮水量随带距的变化均大致呈抛物线状分布 ,对比单作小麦系统 ,复合系统土壤水分总体平均效应 2 .7%。
Based on the well-verified models on water transfer in SPAC of Apple-wheat intercropping and wheat monoculture (as control) system in the hilly region of Taihang Mountain, simulation of spatial and temporal variation of transpiration, water uptake by roots and soil water content during the period of from wheat jointing to wax ripeness was conducted for both the intercropping and monoculture system. The water ecology of the intercropping was then characterized by quantitative analysis. This study was intended to provide theoretical basis for developing fruit tree-crop intercropping in the region. Results showed that: (1) The intercropping significantly reduced potential and actual transpiration of wheat by 18.0% and 16.8% compared with monoculture system respectively. The average wheat to apple tree ratio of actual transpiration was 1.7 in actual area of the intercropping, indicating that water consumption of the intercropping were dominated by wheat transpiration; (2)The water uptake by apple-tree roots in the apple zone and the wheat zone counted for respectively 47.6% and 52.4% of the total water uptake by tree roots. The wheat to tree ratio of water uptake by roots was 82.0 in area where occur roots of trees and crops, indicating that the wheat was dominant absolutely in competing for water with apple directly. (3) The soil water content at the depth of 0~80cm varied with the distance from the tree row in a parabola trend in the intercropping, reflecting an average increase of water content by 2.7% compared with the monoculture system.



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