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Genetic Formation of Paradox Hybrids (Juglans L.) Revealed by nrDNA IGS8-ETS1 Region  ( CPCI-S收录)   被引量:6


英文题名:Genetic Formation of Paradox Hybrids (Juglans L.) Revealed by nrDNA IGS8-ETS1 Region

作者:Suo, Zhili[1] Pei, Dong Ma, Qingguo Jin, Xiaobai[2]

通信作者:Pei, D[1]

机构:[1]Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Bot, State Key Lab Systemat & Evolutionary Bot, Beijing 100093, Peoples R China;[2]Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Botany, Beijing Botan Garden, Beijing 100864, Peoples R China

会议论文集:AASRI Conference on Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics (CIB)

会议日期:JUL 01-02, 2012

会议地点:Changsha, PEOPLES R CHINA


外文关键词:Juglans L.; Paradox hybrid; genetic formation; nuclear ribosomal DNA; IGS8-ETS1 region


摘要:Genus Juglans (walnuts) is one of the most economically important tree crops for healthy food and wood production. Paradox is a famous rootstock in the walnut industry for a number of important features, including fast growth and resistance to some diseases. Paradox commonly refers to black walnut-Persian walnut hybrid. Nuclear rDNA IGS region, typically bi-parentally inherited, with rapid evolution and broad existence in all eukaryotic genomes, was found to be of importance in revealing genetic background of the walnut hybrids. Both parental genetic components (around 87.50% to 88.89%) and novel genetic components (around 11.11% to 12.50%) were detected in the nrDNA IGS8-ETS1 region of the Paradox genome. The inheritance was commonly one-parent-dominated in each hybridization event. Our results indicated that genetic formation of Paradox hybrids involved in J. regia (sect. Juglans) and the following 6 black walnut species (sect. Rhysocaryon), i.e., J. hindsii, J. californica, J. major, J. nigra, J. microcarpa and J. hirsuta. The nrDNA IGS8-ETS1 region is helpful in understanding the genetic basis of hybrids. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier B. V. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of American Applied Science Research Institute



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