叶绿体5SrDNA ITS和matK基因序列应用于刚竹属植物系统分类的可行性分析 被引量:4
Feasibility of the Chloroplast 5S rDNA ITS and matK Gene Sequence to the Phylogenetic Relationships in the Genus of Phyllostachys
中文题名:叶绿体5SrDNA ITS和matK基因序列应用于刚竹属植物系统分类的可行性分析
英文题名:Feasibility of the Chloroplast 5S rDNA ITS and matK Gene Sequence to the Phylogenetic Relationships in the Genus of Phyllostachys
作者:李潞滨[1] 刘蕾[2] 袁金玲[3] 董银卯[2] 胡陶[1] 缪崑[1] 何聪芬[2]
外文期刊名:Molecular Plant Breeding
外文关键词:Bambusoideae, Phyllostaehys, 5S rDNA ITS, matK gene
摘要:本文应用CTAB法从37种竹类植物中提取基因组DNA,根据在GenBank中发表的5S rDNAITS和matK基因设计引物,通过PCR进行扩增。结果表明:37种竹子5S rDNA ITS序列PCR产物大小约为450bp,在刚竹属内部无长度上的差异,但是舒竹(Phyllostachys shuchengensis)与其他刚竹属植物相比,有一个位点的差异(由A变为C)。因此,5S rDNA ITS在属下水平上无法提供较大的信息量,变异性较低,不适于刚竹属属下水平的系统分类研究。同样,选取37种竹子中3个竹种的matK基因的PCR扩增产物直接进行测序,结果显示matK基因在竹亚科的属间长度上无差异,产物的长度约为1500bp,将测序结果进行同源性比对,在变异位点附近寻找多态性酶切位点,碱基序列上有一个位点的差异(BstNⅠ)。PCR-RFLP结果显示,共有3种竹子在此位点发生变异分别为:浙江淡竹(Phyllostachys meyeri)、安吉金竹(Phyllostachys parvifolia)和黄古竹(Phyllostachys angusta)。刚竹属植物的matK基因序列相当保守,片段中刚竹属间的绝对核苷酸差异不到1个,所提供的信息量不够充分。因此,叶绿体5S rDNA ITS和matK基因序列不适用于刚竹属植物系统分类研究,但其可能适合在属或属以上分类等级竹类植物的系统分类中应用。
The method of CTAB was used to extract 37 species bamboo genomic DNA. The primers were designed based on the chloroplast 5S rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and matK gene sequence which were published in the GeneBank. The PCR product of 5S rRNA ITS is about 450 bp and then was sequenced directly. The sequencing results were analysed by software DNAMAN and showed that the 37 species had the same length except Phyllostachys shuchengensis had a variable site (compared with other species among Phyllostachys) in the 392nd (A→C). The results indicate that 5S rDNA ITS sequence in 37 species bamboo was very conservative and it could not provide enough information for the relationship of the species among Phyllostachys. PCR product of matK sequence amplified from 3 speciesbamboo genomic DNA was sequenced respectively and it is about 1 500 bp. Based on multiple sequence alignment of matK sequence, RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) site (BstN Ⅰ ) was discovered. After all the PCR products of matK sequence were digested by BstN Ⅰ, three species Phyllostachys meyeri, Phyllostachys parvifolia and Phyllostachys angusta were branched from the others in Phyl lostachys in. the 938th. The results indicated that the matK gene in Phyllostaehys is also conservative, and it can not provide enough information for evolutionary studies under Phyllostachys. The chloroplast 5S rDNA ITS gene and mark gene have no value for the phylogenetic relationships in the genus of Phyllostachys, but they could be used to study the phylogenetic relationships of above the genera and faster rate of evolution in the genera.