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木基太阳能界面蒸发器研究进展     被引量:1

Research progress of wood-based interfacial solar steam generator



英文题名:Research progress of wood-based interfacial solar steam generator

作者:王小青[1] 戴鑫建[1] 管浩[1] 王鑫[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Forestry Engineering





外文关键词:wood;porous structure;solar-driven interfacial evaporation;wood-based interfacial solar steam generator;desalination


Water scarcity has become one of the most serious global challenges facing modern society due to rapid population growth,urbanization,and climate change.As an emerging seawater desalination technology,the solar-driven interfacial evaporation by localization of solar-thermal energy conversion at the air/liquid interface to produce clean water from brine or wastewater,has attracted extensive attention due to its advantages of low energy consumption,easy fabrication,and low cost.A solar-driven interfacial evaporation system typically has a bi-layered structure,in which,the top layer enables photothermal conversion under solar radiation,and the bottom layer supports water transport and usually has low thermal conductivity to minimize the heat loss to the bulk water.As an abundant,renewable,biodegradable,and environmentally friendly natural material,wood possesses a unique low-tortuosity,hierarchical porous structure with high hydrophilicity and low thermal conductivity,making it a highly promising and attractive substrate for fabricating interfacial solar steam generators(ISSG).Via the simple surface functional modification,the photothermal conversion ability of wood surface can be greatly enhanced while retaining its natural porous structure,achieving efficient solar energy interface evaporation.Wood-based solar-driven interfacial water evaporation emerges as a promising and sustainable approach for the water desalination.In this review,starting from the hierarchical porous structure and main chemical compositions of natural wood,the specific advantages of using wood as a substrate for the fabrication of ISSG are highlighted.Inspired by tree transpiration,the“bi-layered structure”design strategy of the wood-based interfacial solar steam generator(WISSG)is introduced.The main methods for improving the photothermal conversion performance of wood surface are summarized,and the influences of pore structure of different wood species and their structural designs on the evaporation performance of WISSG are also discussed.The main anti-salt deposition strategies of wood-based evaporators are summarized in emphasis.In addition,the opportunities and challenges faced by the development of wood-based evaporators at present are prospected and the future research directions are analyzed.This review aims at providing reference for promoting the research and application of wood-based evaporators in the field of solar desalination.



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