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广州市城乡梯度森林公园雨季空气PM2.5浓度及水溶性离子特征     被引量:11

Characteristics of rain season atmospheric PM_(2.5) concentration and its water-soluble ions contents in forest parks along an urban-rural gradient in Guangzhou City of South China



英文题名:Characteristics of rain season atmospheric PM_(2.5) concentration and its water-soluble ions contents in forest parks along an urban-rural gradient in Guangzhou City of South China

作者:肖以华[1] 习丹[2] 佟富春[3] 旷远文[2] 李炯[2] 陈步峰[1] 史欣[1] 裴男才[1] 黄俊彪[1] 潘勇军[1]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology





外文关键词:PM25; water-soluble ion; particulate acidity; forest park; Guangzhou.


During the rainy season (April-September) of 2012, the atmospheric particulate matter with a diameter less than 2.5 mm (PM2.5 ) were sampled from the forest parks in the urban area, suburban area, and rural area of Guangzhou City. The mass concentration of PM2.5 and its water- soluble ions (SO42-, NO3-, NO2-, CI-, F-, Na+, NH4+, Ca2+, K+, and Mg2+) contents were al- so measured. In the forest parks in the urban area, suburban area, and rural area, the diurnal vari- ation of PM2.5 mass concentration was 21.8-161.7, 19.4-156.3, and 17.2-66.5 txg m-3, with an arithmetic average being 55.9, 49.8, and 44.4 ug m-3, respectively. SO42-, Na+, and NH4~ were the main components of water-soluble ions in the PMz.5, and the SO42- had the highest content and decreased gradually from urban to rural forest parks. The contribution of the SO: and NOx in the PM25 from coal combustion to the forest parks was larger than that from vehicle exhaust, but presen- ted a decreasing trend from urban to rural forest parks, indicating that vehicle exhaust had a greater contribution to the atmospheric SO2 and NOx in the urban forest park. In the sampling period, the contribution of sea salt to the water soluble fractions ( especially K~ ) of the PM25 was greater for the suburban forest park than for the other two parks. The equivalent concentration of the NH4 + in the PM2.5 was far less than those of the S04z- and NO3-, with a neutralization ratio being much lower than 1.0, which suggested that the PM2.5 had a higher acidity. The PM2.5 acidity had an increasing trend from rural to urban forest parks.



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