银杏枝条部位和年龄对不定根形成的影响及其与非结构碳水化合物含量的关系 被引量:13
Effects of Different Position and Ages of Twigs on Cutting of Ginkgo biloba and Its Relationship with Non-structural Carbohydrates
英文题名:Effects of Different Position and Ages of Twigs on Cutting of Ginkgo biloba and Its Relationship with Non-structural Carbohydrates
作者:岳剑云[1] 杜常健[1] 纪敬[1] 姚侠妹[1] 常二梅[1] 江泽平[1] 施明达[2] 史胜青[1]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:Ginkgo biloba;cutting;adventitious roots;twig age : non-structural carbohydrates
摘要:[目的]研究银杏枝条部位、年龄对不定根形成的影响,并探讨其相应的叶、茎段中非结构碳水化合物(NSC)含量变化与扦插生根的关系。[方法]以50年生银杏树冠上、下部枝条的1、2和3年生位置的茎段为材料截取插穗,500 mg·L-1IBA与纯水对照处理基部60 s,在全光喷雾状态下研究扦插生根情况,并利用HLPC法分析相应部位叶和茎段中NSC含量。[结果]表明:银杏扦插不定根形成过程分为4个阶段,即0~4周愈伤形成期、4~6周愈伤膨大期、6~8周不定根开始形成期、8周后不定根伸长;生根部位主要在切口处。树冠上、下部位插穗的生根率未见明显差异,但随着枝龄的增加而明显降低。NSC分析表明:下部叶片NSC组分中多糖和总糖含量明显高于上部的,但茎段NSC的所有组分在上下部均无明显差异;随着枝龄的增加,相应位置叶片NSC各组分含量没有明显差异,但相应茎段NSC组分中葡萄糖、果糖、多糖、总糖、淀粉含量却明显降低,与生根率的变化趋势一致。此外,500 mg·L-1IBA处理并未明显提高生根率,还需进一步优化处理浓度。[结论]银杏树冠上部和下部枝条对不定根形成无影响;未处理枝条的枝龄与生根率呈负相关,而茎段NSC含量与生根率呈正相关;叶片NSC含量对不定根形成影响较小;生根方式以愈伤生根类型为主。该结论将为今后银杏扦插生根及其机制研究提供参考。
[Objective]To explore the effects of twig ages on the formation of the adventitious roots from the upper and lower branches in the crowns of Ginkgo biloba,and discuss the relationship between rooting and non-structural carbohydrates( NSC) in the corresponding leaves and stems. [Method]Experimental materials with the cutting of one-,two-,and three-year-old twigs were investigated from the upper and the lower parts of the crown,and the NSC contents were analyzed by the HLPC in the leaves and stems of the corresponding positions. All cuttings were treated with 0 and 500 mg·L-1 IBA under natural light and spraying management. [Result] The process of the adventi-tious root formation includes four stages: callus formation( 0-4 weeks),callus expansion( 4-6 weeks),initiation of adventitious root( 6-8 weeks) and root elongation( after 8 weeks). No significant difference was observed in the rooting of cutting between the twigs from the upper and the lower branches of crowns,while it was considerably inhibited by the ages of twigs. The NSC analysis showed that the contents of polysaccharides and total sugars in the leaves from the lower crown were higher than the upper one,but all the NSC components tested showed no significant differences between the twigs from these two parts. However,the NSF contents had no significant changes in the corresponding leaves,whereas they decreased significantly in the corresponding stem fragments with the increasing ages of twigs,including glucose,fructose,polysaccharides,total sugars and starch,which showed the similar trends with the rooting changes. Besides,the treatment of 500 mg·L^-1 IBA didn't improve the rooting rate compared to the control,and this needed to be further optimized. [Conclusion] The position of the upper and lower branches has no significant effect on the formation of adventitious roots in the crowns of G. biloba. The age of untreated twigs was negatively correlated with rooting,but stem NSC content was positively correlated with rooting; the induced callus rooting is the main type for the cutting of G. biloba. This result will provide the references for the future study of cutting process and its mechanism in G. biloba.