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马尾松和木荷不同类型苗木造林后幼林生长建成差异     被引量:17

Difference of Growth and Morphogenesis Establishment of Saplings Afforested with Different Seedling Types of Pinus massoniana and Schima superba



英文题名:Difference of Growth and Morphogenesis Establishment of Saplings Afforested with Different Seedling Types of Pinus massoniana and Schima superba

作者:楚秀丽[1] 吴利荣[2] 汪和木[2] 张东北[2] 吴小林[2] 周志春[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Northeast Forestry University





外文关键词:Pinus massoniana Lamb. ; Schima superba Gardn. et Champ. ; Seedling types; Growth development of sapling


摘要:为比较马尾松和木荷容器苗、裸根苗造林后幼树的生长建成差异,采用随机区组试验设计,开展其1年生容器苗和裸根苗造林对比试验。造林3 a后,对其保存率、生长量、根系特征及N、P养分质量分数等幼树生长建成指标进行调查、测定。结果表明:马尾松容器苗林分4年生幼树平均地径、树高及调查当年新梢生长量分别为35.52 mm、200.59 cm和105.59 cm,分别比裸根苗显著大31.71%、18.25%和21.13%;相对裸根苗,木荷容器苗林分生长量亦表现出较大优势,其地径和树高分别较裸根造林大4.36 mm和26.72 cm,并且调查当年的新梢生长量和保存率分别显著较裸根造林大19.68%和33.73%;两树种容器苗林分平均单株干质量均近等于裸根苗的2倍;容器苗林分根系发育均较相应裸根苗林分优,马尾松容器苗林分幼树平均主根长、根幅和一级侧根数分别比裸根苗相应指标大6.02 cm、14.30 cm和4.13条,木荷容器苗林分幼树平均根幅和一级侧根数分别比其裸根苗幼树相应指标显著高出14.24 cm和6.75条;两树种容器苗林分幼树N、P质量分数均显著高于裸根苗。因此,从马尾松和木荷不同类型苗木造林初期幼树的生长等相关结果看,容器苗根系的完整性保障其林分幼树根系的较好拓展和发育,利于造林初期其对养分的吸收进而促进地上部分生长;容器苗造林效果不仅体现在当年的成活率高、缓苗快,造林第3年幼林的生长建成及养分吸收优势仍在。
To compare the afforestation effect of different seedling types ( container seedlings and bare root seedlings ) of Pinus massoniana and Schima superba on growth and morphogenesis of saplings in mountain site , we contrasted the afforestation experiment of two tree species with their one-year-old container seedlings and bare root seedlings by using randomized block experimental design .We investigated the indexes of preservation rate , growth and root and determined N and P nutrient contents in young trees of the stands in the third year after forestation .Average root collar diameter (RCD ) , height and young sprout length of P.mas soniana treelets planted with container seedlings were 35.52 mm, 200.59 and 105.59 cm which were larger than that of the young trees of the same tree species planted with bare root seedlings by 31.71%, 18.25%and 21.13%, respectively.The growth of saplings forested with container seedlings of S.superba were also better than that of little trees from bare root seedling , average RCD and height of the container seedling stand were larger than that of the bare root seedling stand at 4.36 mm and 26.72 cm, respectively, and the young sprout length and conserve rate of the con-tainer seedling stand were significantly larger than that of the bare root seedling stand by 19.68%and 33.73%, individual-ly. Average biomass for single sapling from container seedlings for both of two tree species were almost two times of that of young trees from bare root seedlings .The root of young trees from container seedlings for both of two tree species developed better than that of young trees from bare root seedlings .Average root length , root width and number of first order lateral root of P.massoniana saplings from container seedlings were larger than that of young trees from bare root seedlings with 6.02 cm, 14.30 cm and 4.13 pieces, respectively.While average root width and number of first order lateral root of S.superba saplings from container seedlings were significantly larger than that of young trees from bare root seedlings by 14.24 cm and 6 .75 pieces, respectively.N and P contents in saplings of stand from container seedlings were higher than those of bare root seedlings for two tree species .Based on the early growth and other related conditions of the saplings from different stands , it is root integrity of container seedling that makes quickly growth of above ground and nutrition absorption during earlier period after forestation .The young trees planted with container seedlings of P.massoniana and S.superba not only display higher survival rate and faster growth recovery but also maintain growth , morphogenesis establishment and nutrition absorp-tion superiority .



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