英文题名:Advances in Structural Diversity of Stand Structure
通信作者:Hui, Gangying
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:stand structure;diversity;composition;size differentiation;spatial distribution
Stand structure is an important factor in forest management and analysis.Enhancing the diversity and complexity of stand structure is the basis for maintaining and increasing the biodiversity of forest ecosystems.The method of expressing diversity of stand structure has been a key issue in the study of ecology and forestry disciplines.This paper summarized the research progress of stand structure diversity from the composition diversity of forest stands,the tree size differentiation diversity and the spatial distribution diversity.The composition structural diversity of forest stands is often based on composition attribute and theαspecies diversity index in plant community science.The diversity of the stand structure based on the neighbourhood relationship reflects the compositional diversity by describing the degree of segregation of the tree species in the stand.The size differentiation diversity of forest trees was compared with the factors such as DBH,tree height and crown width.The indicators of size coefficient,Gini coefficient,DBH distribution and size differentiation were used to describe the size differentiation diversity of stand.The spatial diversity of forest trees is essentially the diversity of spatial distribution patterns of trees in horizontal space.The point pattern analysis method could be used describe the differences of forest position with the change of scale,but it requires accurate tree position data.The mark second-order structural characteristic can reflect the distribution of tree species and the size with the change of scale in the stand and have certain ability to analyze and explain the ecological process and hypothesis,but they cannot express the richness of the tree species and the degree of tree size variation,it also needs accurate tree position data.The complexity of the stand structure takes precedence over the diversity of the stand structure,and the two concepts are related and different.The diversity of the stand structure is often used as an alternative indicator of the complexity of the stand.In the future,the construction of forest structure diversity or complexity indicators needs to take into account the multidimensional characteristic of the forest structure,at the same time,the weighting of multiple attributes must be considered.In addition,the specific forest management activities should be considered in the process of the construction of the forest structure diversity index,and which could be used to guide the stand structural adjustment and finally achieve the goal of increasing the diversity of stand structure and maintaining and increasing the diversity of the forest ecosystem.